Chapter 3: Finally Meeting Shawn

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Lexi's POV

I felt someone lightly shake me awake. It was flight attendant telling me we landed. I put my beats back in my backpack and sat up. I finally got off the plane and i noticed it was 3AM. I got off the plane and looked at my phone to see if Shawn had tried getting a hold of me but then i remembered he doesn't have my number. As i'm about to look up i run into a chest and i look up to see the biggest brown eyes I've ever seen. He smiled at me and grabbed my suitcase because i had dropped it in the collision.

Shawn: i take it you're Lexi? It's nice to finally meet you. I'm parked just outside.

Lexi: okay sounds great!

I was so nervous i didn't know what to do! I followed him to his car and he held my door open for me before getting into the drivers seat. Maybe this wouldn't be as nerve wracking as i thought.

Shawn's POV

She was even prettier in person. I couldn't like her though because i only get to spend one day with her. We started talking about her and what she did for fun. She was a really interesting girl. Maybe i could like her.... While we were driving to my place, she fell asleep and she looks so cute the way she's curled up. We arrived at my place and i didn't want to wake up her up but she had to change her clothes. I didn't know how else to wake her up so i poked her in the cheek. She woke up and glared at me.

Lexi's POV

He poked me in the cheek to wake me up! What even? Who does that? He helped me out of the car and showed me to the room I am staying in. It's right across from his! After we say goodnight i go into my room. I change into my sweatpants and hoodie for bed. After taking my makeup off and putting my glasses on i go onto my Instagram, Twitter, and snapchat to assure everyone I've arrived safely. I suddenly realize how hungry i am because i haven't eaten since yesterday at 7. I get out of bed and walk across the hallway to knock on his door. Hopefully i'm not waking him up. He opens the door shirtless and i catch my breath. He doesn't notice thankfully. i didn't look him in the eye.

Lexi: I just realized i'm hungry....

He didn't even answer me. He just walked into his kitchen and showed me what there was. As i picked out what i wanted i could feel his eyes on me. I turned around and caught him staring at me with a smirk. I threw a towel at him a finished eating. As i was walking to my room he grabbed my room to keep me from walking away.

Shawn: If you need anything feel free to come to my room and wake me up. And if you get lonely feel free to come and cuddle with me. I wouldn't mind. It gets lonely being here alone all the time. It's nice to have company. Anyways i'm rambling, goodnight, beautiful.

Before he walked into his room he came and kissed me on the forehead! Shawn freaking Mendes kissed my forehead! Maybe i will need some Shawn cuddles tonight.

Instead of going to my bedroom, I walked into Shawn's room and laid down next to him. As soon as i laid down he rolled over and put his arms around me. He gives the BEST hugs! I'm really loving this trip and I've only been here for a couple hours. Tomorrow should be an interesting day.

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