Chapter 2 - NO ONE!

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I was completely, utterly petrified!

How did that happen? Where did "He" or "She" go?

Was I imagining things now? 

I quickly got these thoughts off of my mind and quickly ran to school.

When I entered, I forgot what had happened 5 minutes ago because the things I saw at school.

Kids being bullied everywhere. Stupid, skinny girls who think they own this place as is it was their property. Then suddenly, I saw my three bestfriends; Sarah, Olivia and May.

May I introduce them to you? Well, Sarah has been introduced. She was the first of them to be my friend. Well, we knew each other probably on the same time, but I was friends with Sarah the first.

After a year, I knew Olivia and May. Olivia despised me. She thought I were no good for them and that I am a waste of a girl. However, May thought otherwise. She be-friended me and we became close two weeks later. We lived close to each other so we went and came back from school together. But things changed when she got her own driver nowadays.

Anyways, Olivia now loves me and we completely understand each other. I think if I didn't have them as my friends then I would never call anyone a true friend. Everyone on this planet deserves someone like Sarah, Olivia and May.

"Hey girls," I said, greeting them.

"Hey!" The three of them chanted.

"How's everyone doing? What happened earlier? Did I miss a thing?" I said excited to know everything.

"Nah, nothing intresting happened except that Rosaline and Yairis came and talked to us." Sarah said with a poker-face emotion drawn all over her beautiful face.

"Huh, really? What had happened?" I shouted. Not meaning to, though, it's just thst Rosaline and Yairis, the school's divas, never talk to us. Not that I complain.

"Calm the heck down, Joss." Sarah said, laughing at my reaction.

"Well, lemme tell you, they came, sassed, got mocked at, left. The End." Olivia said.

With all the sass Sarah has, Olivia got ten times it. And May is the dirtiest, sorry to mention that!

"Well, I'm guessing who mocked them?" I said while laughing and winking at Olivia.

"No flashes please!" Olivia stated proudly, filipping her hair and we all erupted in fits of giggles.

"Oh, drop it please! I'm trying to concentrate!" May said, speaking for the first time since I had arrived. "We have a Maths exam and I haven't studied for it!"

"Why hello there Mrs. I didn't study last night so shut up! It's your fault and not ours!" I told her. She rolled her eyes and looked away contineuing her work.

With me being the funny, sarcastic, care-free, Jossie I am. I'm proudly saying that I am a complete nerd. You could say Olivia is too, with all the sass she's got. We kept on talking for like 10 mins when finally the bell rang and it was the sign for each of us to head to our classes.

Me and Olivia had a "science" class together, so I see Olivia way more that I see the other two girls. The day passed by quickly, nothing interesting taking place the whole time. We then said good-bye to each other and each headed back to her house.

On they way home, I placed my head-phones in my ears and played some music on, so I wasn't listening to anything around me. I suddenly spotted a strange thing. It was the same shadow from today morning.

This time, I decided not to ignore it, instead, I froze in my position and saw it's reaction. I was shocked. Just when I stopped, it also stopped. Like it was waiting for me to move on walking so it'd follow me. I then realized that the shadow disappeared.

Relieve washed all over me and I continued walking till I sensed the cold breeze hit my face like 10 knives stabbing me. I froze on my place. Hell, it's summer, isn't it? I froze when I heard footsteps behind me as if they were approaching me.

I felt like my heart was going to break my rib-cage from hard way it was beating. Then I felt a cold, large figure on my shoulder. I instantly discovered that it was the hand of some maniac. That maniac was the same person following me! Run, I told myself. I'm gonna run, I decided before I heard a very deep voice say "No one is running, love. No one."

A\N: Hallooo guys. First of all, Story Of My Life music video is out, watch it please!? I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I don't like cliffhangers but it makes the story more exciting so, you know! :D Have a nice day.


(Edited 20/4/2014)

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