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*Alex's POV*

3 weeks. I've been here 3 weeks and I'm slowly going insane. Everyday is the same. Wake up, eat, go to the base, eat, come home, eat and sleep. And whenever we aren't doing anything, Graydon takes that time to annoy the hell out of me. Gracie isn't that bad. Yeah, she asks a million questions, but she's adorable so I can handle it. But Graydon is just lucky that he is still able to breathe. If it wasn't for Dad, I would have strangled him a long time ago.

I sat on the roof looking up at the sky as snow fell. I have my headphones on so I could listen to ACDC. It's 3 AM and today is my birthday. I'm 14 now. I'm not sure if Dad even knows when my birthday is. I hope not. I've always hated my birthday. I mean why wouldn't I? Its the day my life ended. I was taken from my home and I recently found out that my mom and older brother, Drew, were killed. The only thing I've ever gotten for my birthday was not getting beaten.

I sighed and put those thoughts away. Today is just another day. Another boring day where I'm stuck in a boring routine. Ugh. Is this really what it's like to be a normal kid? Well, this definitely can't be normal, but still. I always thought life was different outside of the base, but instead I'm just stuck in a different routine.

The hours went by slowly but soon I was sneaking back in through the small skylight window only to see my dad standing in my room. He had his arms crossed and his "I'm pissed" look on his face. He hates it when I stay up all night.

"How many times have I told you not to stay up all night or to not leave the house?"

"A bunch but A. It's not my fault I have nightmares and can't sleep afterwards and B. I was on the roof, 3 feet away from my window and C. Hanging out up there relaxes me so I don't freak out after I have a nightmare."

He just gave me an annoyed look cause he already knows all of this. I never thought that I of all people would ever be talking back to my dad like this. Is it a good idea? No. Will I get in trouble? Maybe. Will it be worth it? Probably.

"What was your nightmare about this time?" He asked looking slightly less mad.

He knows he can get mad at me for trying to take care of myself when I'm upset.

"Same as always."

"What happened to you coming and getting me when you have a nightmare like I told you to?"

"The fact that I'm not 5 and I can take care of myself. I'm fine. Just let me do my thing and I'll be OK." Which was BS. I'm anything but fine.

"Alright, I'll trust you on this. Start getting ready." He said walking back down the stairs.

Not long after I got here, he went and bought me a bunch of shirts and threw out the crop tops Kitty gave me. I threw on a black tank top, a red plaid shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. My boots are downstairs so I'll put them on later. I put on my fingerless gloves that Wyatt makes fun of me for and went down stairs. I grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge and tried to leave only to have Dad grab the collar of my shirt and drag me to the table.

"You didn't eat supper last night so you're gonna eat before you leave." He told me.

"I wasn't hungry then and I'm not hungry now." I said earning a slap to the back of the head which cause Gracie to laugh.

I stuck my tongue out at her and grabbed a piece of bacon. I nibbled on it but I'm not hungry. I've never had a big appetite. After everybody else ate, we left to go to the base. So far the secret is safe. I just need Wyatt to keep her mouth shut and not show up. Once we got to the base, Jackson lead us to the classroom, but he stopped me before I went in.

"Happy Birthday, kid." He whispered.

"Thanks, but do me a favor and keep it a secret."

After class we hung out in the TV room. I talked to Ash and Jada while the guys messed around. Gracie sat in my lap half asleep. Ash kept asking about missions I use to go on. I told her as much as I could without freaking Gracie and Jada out.

"Alright guys listen up!" Wade said walking in. "We got a mission and are leaving in about an hour. I know it's Halloween and all but no party." He said pretending to be serious in front of the team, but he smiled and winked at us before he walked out.

"What do say Creeds? Y'all coming to the party?" Jr asked leaning against the back of the couch.

"No thanks." I told him.

Graydon, being a dumbass, said the opposite. I just rolled my eyes. All of a sudden, I felt my boot vibrate. I set Gracie down on the couch and walked outside saying I was going for a walk. Once I was outside I pulled a cell phone I've kept hidden from my left boot. I had a text from Dr. Kraus.

Come to the cabin at 7

What the hell? This phone is for emergencies. What could he want? It's only 4:00 so I've got a little time. I put the phone back into my boot and went back inside. Gracie wanted to stay for the party too and Graydon didn't want her to because then he'd have to watch her. He looked at me for me to help.

"I'm not telling her no. If she wants to stay she can. Call the house when she gets tired." I said before leaving.

Payback bitch. I sped up to the house and went to my room to see a box on my bed. I sniffed the air and caught Wyatt's scent. I opened the box to see a couple of books, a sketch books and a box of pencils. Then I noticed the note she left.

Happy Birthday! I know you hate your birthday but I don't care. The Professor and I got you a present anyway. He sent the books and I sent the sketch book. I remember how you use to crave pictures into your cell wall with your claws. Now you can draw them! Have fun!


I looked at the books to see The Princess Bride, Romeo and Juliet, and a book of Edgar Allen Po's works. I grabbed the Po book and started reading to past the time. Soon it was nearly 7 so I sped off to the Dr's cabin. I was about to walk out of the tree line, when I saw a group of men in the window. Their scents gave them away. Dad and his team. Shit.

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