Chapter 24

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Matt's POV

What I thought would be a great morning took an unexpected but sour turn quickly when Zack decided he needed to go.

I woke up thinking that I would stay for awhile. My mom had the boys and said to take my time coming to get them. And that's just what I intended to do. I figured I would spend the morning getting to know Aubrey. Assure her that this wasn't just about sex. Help her realize that somehow she truly meant something to me and her presence in my life was making a profound but happy change.

My plan took a nose dive when Samantha mentioned Zack's wife. Poor guy ended up leaving obviously heart broken and dejected but her words also brought my succubus cunt of a wife front and center in Aubrey's mind also.

I was thoroughly enjoying a morning with no mention of Val, her face or her never ending bitching but Aubrey of all people had to bring her to mind.

"If my wife doesn't mind?" I asked Aubrey as Zack leaves.

She just shrugs and just continues cleaning up the morning dishes.

"Just so you know she wouldn't care if I was hit by a bus." I mumbled.

"Yeah right." Aubrey hissed rolling her eyes.

"I am right. You have no idea of how much she hates me." I mumbled.

"Oh right, so bad I'm sure. What's wrong is she not pretty enough anymore? Too old? Doesn't put out? Doesn't give you enough attention?" Aubrey half shouts throwing down her dish towel.

"No, well she does put out just not with me anymore." I mumble

"So I'm right this is about just sex and apparently revenge. Well that's not me and I'm not for it. Two wrongs don't make a right." Aubrey flings her words at me glaring daggers.

I need to make her understand. Aubrey needs to know just what it is I'm dealing with before I lose her.

Well there's no time like right now.

"No Aubrey this whatever this is isn't about revenge or just sex. I thought I proved that last night?" I say trying to keep the hurt out of my voice from her accusations. I wait for her to say something but she just looks at me. "Let me explain something to you. Maybe you'll understand."

"Why? Why should I let you explain anything? You do realize I'm the one who's going to end up hurt. Me. Not you. Not your wife. Me." Aubrey accuses.

"No you're not. You're not because I'm hurting to in ways you don't know but you're what helps it hurt less. If you would just shut up and listen to me you might just understand and quit thinking I'm using you for sex." I shout.

Aubrey rolls her eyes but doesn't say anything. Instead she sits down at the table and looks at me expectantly.

"Thank you." I sigh "I'd like for you to really understand things before you make any final judgements on what you are to me and what this is to me. Or who I am." I calmly state trying to cool down and hold my composure.

Aubrey crosses her arms across her chest still silent and still glaring at me.

I shake my head and sigh "OK I met Valary my wife when we were young kids. We grew up together. It's been so long I don't even remember our exact age but for sure by high school we were dating. Val was great. She's a big part of the band's success. She really supported our dreams and our choices as a band. She helped fund us get us off the ground with promotion booking gig's selling merchandise recruiting kids to shows. We owe a lot to her. She really helped. Val was also a really sweet girl then beautiful caring, really loving and supportive."

"You know I don't really need to know how great she is. It doesn't make me feel any better about what we've done or you being here." Aubrey snaps.

"Well I'm trying to give you the back story so maybe you'll understand the bigger picture." I snap at her for being interrupted.

"Whatever." Aubrey mumbles as I take a deep breath again to calm my nerves.

"Val was, and a big emphasis on was, a great person. At one time I honestly loved her. But that was then. Anyways because of all she had done for me and the band I promised her when we really hit it big I would marry her and give her the wedding she thought she deserved. And we did hit it big I proposed we got married. Everything seemed great. But then she changed, everything changed. The tours got bigger so did her ambitions. She wanted to model and act. Things she never mentioned before but if it was what would make her happy then I was all for it. The ambition made her change. The money started rolling in and she really changed, everything became so extravagant. The sweet girl I once knew became someone I didn't even recognize and that was before all the surgeries. She was mean and greedy. Then I brought up having kids. I've always wanted a couple of them and for years she agreed but she decided we needing a bigger house before that so I got her one on the beach. She got pregnant and had our son River. I was over the moon. I was finally a dad. Something really clicked in her when he was born. It wasn't good. Most moms are happy with being around their baby doing, things for it. She detested it. She complained about him constantly. I had him all the time. Then came the complaints about her body and joyfully she talked about how much our son ruined her body. She decided she wanted more surgery. Tummy tucks, nose jobs, lift this, tuck that, inject here. I didn't like the idea of it I never did. I thought she was beautiful the way she was but she disagrees and all I wanted was for her to be happy so if that's what it took so be it. Mind you she began to hate me. I was useless. A pig. I don't know what I did wrong and I tried to fix it but nothing worked so I agreed with the surgeries hoping I'd get my wife back. We weren't having any form of intimacy. She detested me touching her. But one night after her nose or lip job she came home drunk and we had sex, that's how Cash came along. Again I was happy but she wasn't, even threatened to have an abortion. I begged her out of it and she finally agreed after I promised her I would start putting money in a bank account just for her. Any how he was born things got worse she started partying all the time never comes home won't play with the kids she hates us." I sigh on the verge of tears.

"Then why don't you leave?" Aubrey asks.

"Not that simple she won't let me." I mumble

"Won't let you? What are you her prisoner?" Aubrey exclaims.

"Sort of. "

"Sort of? That makes no sense." She mumbles

"It's the boys. She threatens to take them never return and go where I can't find her." I try and explain.

"She can't do that." Aubrey states "there's laws"

"Yeah tell her that." I thunder.

"Don't talk to me like that. You're using me to make yourself feel better because you're obviously married to a cunt you're afraid of." Aubrey yells back.

"I'm not afraid of her, I'm afraid to lose my boys." I yell.

"Yeah so fuck me on the side and go running back to her." Aubrey screams as my phone rings and I answer without looking at it,she's yelling.

"What?" I yell assuming it's Zack.

"So who are you fucking? I know it isn't me." Val shouts

Oh no.

Oh fuck.

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