1: The Art Gallery

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Disclaimer: Plot is mine, pictures are from an old show called The 9 Lives of Chloe King. Please do not copy.

The bittersweet taste slowly cascaded down my throat and I felt the tingling burn settle into my stomache. The fake smile I was wearing was getting tiring, and I don't know how much longer I could keep it on. It turned genuine as my two best friends walked through the door. "Amanda, Parker, over here," I called earning quite a few distasteful glances. I rolled my eyes muttering under my breath before walking over to them.
"Mother," I said as I turned around, "I'm going to take them on a tour, if you don't mind." She looked them up and down, the disgust clear in her eyes. Kids, don't disrespect your parents, but she's a stuck up bitch. She wants me to be just like her. Proper, and fancy. I call it soul-less, possibly worse than Sam Winchester. Alright, that's a little harsh.

"Alright, but be quick." I nod and grab their arms. As we hurry up the stairs and into my room we were in complete silence. "So, Becca, have you met anyone yet, that your mother approves of?" asks Amy tenderly as I snort unattractively. My mother has gone out of her way to keep me away from anyone I could ever truly love, I think bitterly. "No one that I would have willingly met on my own." Parker and Amanda sat down on the bed beside me putting their arms around me.

It was times like these that I missed him so much. I leaned into Parker. Why did everything have to hurt so bad? Why did I have to feel the pain? You hear people talk about being numb, but eventually, it wears off and you have to feel.

They sighed knowing I would put my facade back up, cold and heartless. I believe in love, don't get me wrong, but that fairytale stuff is absolute bullshit.

Love hurts kids, and there is a 90% chance that you will get your heart broken. You will be dissapointed, your "night in shining armor" may not get there in time to save you. Or hell, he could be the one locked up in the tower, locked away from you as you sit at the bottom weeping. Yeah, I'm a pessamist, I know.

"We need to go," I said. "Rebecca," Amanda said, as I walked out of the door not listening to what she had to say. At the top of the stairs I fixed the wrinkles in my (maroon, one overshoulder strap) dress, checking that my eyes were dry, and my hair wasn't frizzy, as I descended the stairs.

"Rebecca," my mother said to me, "This is Lee. Lee, this is my daughter, Rebecca." I gave him a tight lipped smile as I shook his hand. "Hello Lee," I said quietly, " It's nice to meet you." He nodded with a kind smile. "May I?" He asked, offering his arm to me. I nodded numbly and walked and stood and stared. All. Night.

Favorite candy?
Mine is Twix, or Milkyway. Sometimes even Swedish Fish....or Cowtales😂...

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