Chapter 15

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Elsa's P.O.V

After I got dress I saw Eugene on his phone laying on his bed, and Anna also on her bed with a notebook with the writing 'J+E'

"Anna what is this" I question her.

"Nothing" She says super fast grabbing the notebook to her chest and hiding from me.

"Anna what is that. Give it to me, now. I am your older sister so hand it over." I say putting out my hand so she can hand it over.

"Well actually I am the oldest of all of you so, Anna give it to me." Eugene says walking over putting out his hand too. Anna looks at both of us and goes back and forth faster and faster.

"Here Eugene you can't tell anyone." Anna says handing over her pink notebook to Eugene.

"Anna really" I say then I look at the time on my phone, "I got to go. I am going to see that when I come back ok."

"Ok" Anna and Eugene say at the same time.

I walk out of the room and close the door. "YESSSSS!!!!!!" I hear I loud girl scream. It must be Anna she always screams. I walk to the library and see Jack sitting at a desk reading a book.

"Hey Frost" I say pulling up a chair and sitting next to him.

"Hey" Jack says looking up.

"So where do you want to begin" I say grabbing my books out of my bag.

"Why not chemistry" he says looking at me in actually a really dreamy way.

"Umm...ok" I say getting my chemistry book out. "Chapter 1 Lesson 1, lets begin," and we started our tutoring.

Eugene's P.O.V

"Well actually I am the oldest of all of you so, Anna give it to me." I says walking over putting out my hand. Anna looks at both of us and goes back and forth faster and faster.

"Here Eugene you can't tell anyone." Anna says handing over her pink notebook to me. I don't know why I want it, but just to make Elsa mad i'm in.

"Anna really" Elsa say then looks at her phone, "I got to go. I am going to see that when I come back ok."

"Ok" me and Anna say at the same time.

"So what is this" I say opening it.

"Eugene wait till she leaves" Anna says. We both look at the door see Elsa walking out shutting the door.

"So what is this" I say opening this. I see a list of I think names like jaca, jasa, jacsa, jelsa, jaclsa, jacelsa, ejack, elack, elsak, and elsjack. Also big heart with Elsa + Jack in it. "Anna OMG what is this."

"This morning Jack told me he loves Elsa."

"YESSSSS!!!!!!" I scream in a high pitched voice.

"Shhhh Eugene you sound like a girl be quite" Anna says trying to keep me quiet.

"Anna this is amazing we need to do something." I says standing up jumping up and down like a fangirl.

"First we need a ship name and fangirls to follow the ship." Anna says looking in her notebook.

" about ejack." I say calming down looking in it too.

"Nah why not we start with shippers?" Anna says getting her phone out and looking in her contacts.

"Ok umm Merida."





"No that's Jack's ex-girfriend"


"Umm...I don't know" Anna says twirling her hair in her fingers.

"You like"

"Do not"

"Do too"

"Do not"

"Do too"

"Fine I might have a little crush, but-"

"Anna like you always say 'little crush can turn in too a full on marriage', I think that's what you said?"

"Well if you didn't know I said 'COULD'. I don't like him that way he's might be hot, but I don't know."

"Well this fandom isn't about you, Anna. This is about Elsa and Jack. Kristof is a yes. How about Astrid."

"Your right and yes Astrid" Anna said before the knock on the door.

"I'll get it" I said walking over to the door and opening it. I see Kristof standing there with a history book and chemistry book.

"Hey is Anna here" He says looking at me then around me in the room.

"Umm...ya. Anna! Someone's here for you" I say turning around.

"Oh...Kristof hey wh-whats up" Anna says stuttering.

"You said you wanted to study today?"

"Oh...ya and I have a question to ask you."

"Ok hit me."

"I can't do that" Anna says putting her hands behind her back.

"Anna he doesn't mean it literally. Kris we want you to spread the word of JELSA! JELSA! JELSA! Anna I got it Jelsa. It's perfect." I say jumping up and down excited I got a ship name.

"Wait what" Kristof and Anna says at the same time. Anna and Kristof look at each other and Anna blushed while Kristof smiles at her. THEY SO LIKE EACH OTHER.

"Are you talking about the ship name?" Anna says still blushing and looking and me.

"Yep. Here Kristof lets catch you up" I say and then me and Anna tell Kristof all about Elsa and Jack.

"Ok I soooo ship it. Also Anna are going to study or are we going to stay here" Kristof says.

"We can go. Let me get my stuff" Anna says going in her bag and see if she has everything.

"Hey man you break her heart, I break you."

"Umm...ok" Kristof says moving a little away from me.

"Ok lets go, bye Eugene" Anna says walking up to Kristof and walking away from me after saying bye.


Ya I updated!!! So finally they made a ship name and is making a group. Well see you next week!! Bye! 😜

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