Chapter 4 ♛ Pillow Fights

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Adriana's Pov
I kissed him. I kissed Edmund. Yes I know that I basically met him prior few weeks ago but something inside me told me to.

The feeling of his soft lips on mine gives me butterflies in my stomach.

Then, like a slideshow, images of Edmund and I play in my mind. Each of us kissing. In a ball room, a bedroom; but we were older which is weird, a forest, a cave or underground, another in a castle, one outside by a big tree, in a bed on a boat, on a beach.... All these images flashing before me.

The feeling of his lips on mine fades and I open my eyes and see his gorgeous brown eyes staring back at me, causing me to smile. "Am I forgiven?" Edmund asks and I nod.

"Completely forgiven" I smile.

He then pulls me into a hug and my head rests perfectly on his chest. I close my eyes and just listen to his heart beat. It's beating quite fast, faster than normal I should say. "You're heart's beating really fast" I say looking up at him and he lets out a small laugh.

"Y- yeah, it does that when I'm around you" he says and I know my cheeks are probably a light shade of pink so I put my head back on his chest.

I close my eyes again and this time I listen to my own heart beat. And just like Edmund's, it's also beating quite fast. "So does mine" I say and I feel a kiss on my forehead.

"I win!" I smile while clapping my hands.

This is the third game of chess I've played with Edmund today, and the third time I've won today. "Again!" I add and he rolls his eyes.

It's been a couple weeks since Edmund and I forgave each other. And I'm glad I did. I don't think I'd be able to get though... whatever this is without him.

"Are you taking another class for how to play chess or something?" He asks and I laugh.

"I might have read the chess basics handbook" I smile.

"That explains everything because you used to suck" he says and I put a hand on my chest.

"Excuse me?" Say, pretending to be offended.

He then just smiles and I raise an eyebrow at him. He then runs away from the table and I run after him.

He runs up the stairs and I follow him into my room. I look around and I can't see him. What the heck? I just saw him a second ago. I walk further into my room and I look around and see no sign of Edmund.

I then feel something hit against my back and I turn around and see Edmund laughing with a pillow in his hand. "I see how you play" I say and grab a pillow from my bed and turn to face him.

Yes, I'm a nineteen year old and I still pillow fight, but I don't care. I'll be ninety and pillow fighting.

"That's not fair! Your pillow's bigger than mine!" Edmund complains and I laugh.

"Too bad so sad" I say and hit him with my pillow, but to only be hit back within a second.

Laughs fill the room and I wish I could stay in this moment forever. My pillow then gets knocked out of my hand and I try to go after it put Edmund grabs my arm and starts tickling me and I collapse to the ground.

"Edmund stop" I laugh, but of course he doesn't listen.

For a second, and image pops in my head. An image of Edmund and I. Him tickling me, just like he is now, in the castle I've seen in my flashback things.

"What's the magic word?" He asks as he continues to tickle me.

I can't even say anything through my laughs. What's the magic word? hear in my head.

Visions of Edmund and I flash before me. Us walking through forests, laughing, walking along a beach, watching the sun set on a hill, just having a great time together. I see how I look at him. I see how he looks at me. Just seeing it makes my heart flutter. I see me waking up beside him and I get older each time. And every time I wake up he greets me with a kiss on the forehead. And as I seem to get older, the way we look at each other doesn't change. I see images of us from only a few weeks ago and we look at each other the same.

What's the magic word?

"I love you" I say and he stops tickling me and looks at me.

It's like he's surprised. Did he not hear me? "D- do you... really? I mean..." He stutters and I sit up and I nod.

He cares for me like no one else. He's always there for me. He stayed by my side through this. Every time I'm with him I feel safe, I feel like everything's okay. He makes me me feel so happy, he makes me laugh like no one else can. He knows how to cheer me up, and I know what the look is. The feeling when I look at him, the look of love.

He puts a hand on my cheek and he leans in and so do I. My eyes close and the feeling of his lips on mine makes the butterflies in my stomach come alive.

My heart feels like it's going to beat out of my chest. Realizing what I'm feeling for this brown haired, goofy boy just makes my heart beat even faster.

This kiss is different. It's different from the other. It's more passionate, a feeling I can't even begin to explain, but it feels right.

"I love you too" he says as we break apart and he leans is forehead against mine

There are so many emotions built up inside me at the moment I feel like I'm going to explode. I know for a fact my face is as red as a tomato. I squeeze my eyes closed and let out a small laugh and look down so he can't see my bright red face.

I feel him lift my head back up with his hand making me look at him. "I still don't like you hiding your face" he says and I laugh.

"No I'm serious. You always hide your face" he says, "cause I look crazy when my face is red" I say.

"You're always beautiful, even when your face is red" he says and I roll my eyes.

I look back at him and he's just staring at me, "what?" I ask laughing a little.

"I've just been waiting for this moment for a long time" he says and I smile.

I smile because he makes me happy. I smile because he makes everything better. I smile because I am in fact in love with Edmund Pevensie.

A/N— Awe. I think I'm gonna cry. I decided to keep this chapter all happy. I hope you liked it! Sorry that it's quite short. Thank you guys for 500 reads so far! Don't forget to vote!! I will update as soon as possible!!

— Brianna 🌸

Ugh I have to get braces and I hear they're so bad. Some say they hurt and some say they don't...

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