Chapter 1 ♛ Back To The Beginning

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Adriana's Pov
Do you know what it's like to not be able to remember anything? Not being able to remember your birthday, your friends, your family, your childhood and every single one of your precious memories. Take it from me, it sucks.

Telling someone I don't remember them is probably my least favourite thing. The look on their face breaks my heart. The look of sadness, disappointment, and shock all in one.

When my family and friends look at me, they see all the amazing memories we had together. I can't give that back to them. At least, not anymore.

I've been having these weird flashbacks. I hear something and it's like I go into some sort of trance. I'm slightly concerned about it and I feel like I should consult a doctor. But I haven't. A strange thing is that the word or sentence I hear that send me into the weird trance is also in my flashback, so it's like my brain remembers it.

But that's not the weirdest part. Both my flashbacks were quite odd. One was Edmund and I in a castle, why, I have no idea. And in the second one, I was on a pirate ship. Why in bloody hell would I be on a pirate ship. I don't remember being a pirate. I don't remember anything for the matter, but I'm pretty certain I was not a pirate.

Edmund told me that my two flashback type things I've had were real, they were real events from my past. He also told me to read the book.

Now I've read the first couple chapters and what's strange is that, it was like I was in one of those trances for the whole time I was reading. It was like a movie playing in my head. I could hear, see, and smell everything. Even things that wasn't directly in the book. It was like I was there.

I would go to Edmund and ask about it but the last time we saw each other — last night — we left on not so good terms.

I know I could have been less pushy to know about my past but come on. It's my past after all and he knows things, and he knows how badly I want to remember. It's not like he'll get arrested for telling me.

Since my first two flashbacks were real, what makes this one any different?

Other then the fact it was about a girl named Ella Chapel who was hiding from a bomb warning and hid in a wardrobe in a bookstore seller and ended up in a magical land with talking cats, half horse half human animals, and half goat half human animals.

She traveled to a camp that had a bunch of talking animals, just like the ones she met when she first arrived.

In my flashback there were lots of tents of many colours in a giant field of green grass and rolling hills that went as far as I could see.

I lion knew her name. A big lion. His voice sounded familiar. It was strange. It kept me awake last night, thinking of where I've heard the voice before.

He called the magical land Narnia, which makes sense because that's the title of this book. The Chronicles of Narnia. That too sounded familiar. Again, I have no idea how or why.

There's this one sentence the lion, who's name is Aslan, said to Ella that has been repeating in my head. "It is fore-told that the Red Knight will defeat the White Witch and bring an end to evil along side 2 sons of Adam and 2 daughters of Eve. And then sit on the thrones in Cair Parval and Narnia will be safe as long as they're there." It's like a memory trying to surface, but it's not quite there yet.

I got up to the part where Ella was sword practicing with a centaur names Orieus.

An odd thing is that I wrote this. This book is mine. I thought of all this. At least, that's what Edmund said.

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