Chapter 2- Sibling Secret

Start from the beginning

We started to play the game until my mom walked in, switched on the light and shut the game off.

"Ma, I almost had him" I said as I threw the controller on the bed. Kenny was just silent.

She looked at me. "Where's your sister?"

I shrugged and shook my head.

"Don't play that shit with me Quay. When I ask you a question I expect a verbal response." She shut her eyes with her hand in a fist. "Where's Lyric?" She opened them.

I moved back into my bed a bit. "I promise she ain't tell me where she was going." I looked quickly at the phone on the desk.

She caught on and walked towards the desk. "Who's phone is this? This your phone Kenny?"

"Yes" he said as he went on to grab it from the desk. "I was gonna let it charge before my dad comes and get me." He chuckled.

She nodded. "Quay, just know that if you're lying, say goodbye to all your little games. If you want to play, we can play." She smiled and walked towards the door "And breakfast is downstairs." She shut the door behind her.

Kenny got off the ground and sat on the beanbag chair by the desk. "Your mom scares the heck out of me."

I looked at him with my eyes widened. "You ain't the one that lives with her. She scares the hell out of me. She still be beatin our ass."

He laughed and I just looked at him like I'm serious.

He stopped "Oh, Yea my people don't do that. My dad just be vibin and my mom just be cooking and cleaning and working. They don't really care what we do."

"That's why you one bad ass kid.  I be seeing how they let Mariah run around the house cussing and not saying nothing."

He shrugged "Whatever. But what if your mom find out you lying or found out I lied about the phone?"

"I ain't lie to her. I don't know where she at, I just know who she with. She ain't ask that." I stood up from my bed and walked towards the door "I'm gonna go eat."

Kenny flew up and followed behind me.

At about seven or six in the afternoon, my uncle Mike came by and picked Kenny up and Lyric still wasn't home. Imani came back from church with grandma at about three in the afternoon.

My mom didn't know that she was still gone since she went to work and dad went to the studio.

I logged into my Instagram on Lyric's phone and was scrolling down and saw a notification pop up. I clicked on it and it was a follow request from BerryFruity. I smiled a bit before I accepted her request and followed her back.

I hesitated about sliding into her DM, but I did since she's the one who sent the request.

'What's up?'... I waited for her to reply, but she didn't. Even after thirty minutes she still didn't reply so I shrugged it off.

At about eight thirty the door began to knock.

"Someone's at the door!" I shouted as I scrolled down my news feed.

"I'll get it!" I heard Imani say and her footsteps descend.

After a minute or two I heard knocking on my door. I got up to unlock it.

"Who was that?" I asked as I opened it up and walked back towards my bed.

She walked in behind me "Lyric just came home crying".

"Why?" I turned to face her with the phone in my hand.

She sighed. "I don't know, but she just locked herself in her room and told me to come get her phone from you."

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