The Last Moment

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The hand that grasped Tony's was soft, so soft in fact that he almost forgot that the moment would end pretty soon. The feeling of holding someone's hand, someone other than his own, was so completely new to him and was so alien to his heart that he thought that the moment wouldn't end. The moment was the exact moment that he had waited for since he entered high school. The chance to hold someone's hand. He knew that the moment wouldn't last forever, and that fact brought a feeling of regret in his heart, destroying the brief moment of happiness. Of fulfillment.

Tears were streaming down his and her cheeks, running in rivers, and staining their skin with mere movement. The sun was so beautiful at that time of day, setting behind the horizon, casting a glow that he could only describe as pink mixed with orange. A moment that was so perfect that it could have been the final scene in a love movie. Yet, it wasn't a movie. It was reality. He looked up at the sky, taking it all in, before he turned to face her.

The blond who was sitting next to him was so beautiful that the sunset paled in comparison to her curves. Her blond hair flowed in the sudden wind. Her eyes were staring at the sunset before them, blue like the sky in the daytime, and he understood that she was as regretful as him.

Regretful of all the perfect moments that were wasted by either of them, moments where he or she had almost said the three words that they both needed to hear. The words that he wanted to say to her ever since they met in ninth grade, when he was shocked into staring at her beauty. The words that she wanted to say to him ever since he asked her out on a date. Their first date. The start of their relationship.

He felt her hand tighten around his, and soon, he glanced over back to stare at the sunset. He smiled, enjoying the warm feeling of her hand around his.


They both continued to stare at the sunset.

"Yeah, Jessica?"

She leaned on his shoulder.

"I love you."

Tony smiled sadly, the moment had finally came. The moment that he had always dreamt about.

"I love you too."

And there they stayed, sitting on a plaid blanket near the edge of a cliff overlooking the woods that surrounded their hometown. They remained in each other's arms as the asteroid the size of Texas neared the earth. It had been several days since NASA had officially announced that it would impact the world, causing a mass extinction and wiping out 100% of all life on earth. However, the few minutes before impact, Tony and Jessica would hold each other's hand, spending the last moment of the world together.

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