Some Things Never Change (Bonus Chapter)

Start from the beginning

"Nonsense - you don't need any underwear. Not for what I have planned later tonight, anyway," he said, sending a naughty wink my way before pressing a filthy kiss to my lips. "Let's get going, Flower. We wouldn't want to be late to our own party, would we?"


"Sweetheart, this is Mr. Davis. The potential client I've been telling you all about," Knox said with grandeur while motioning towards a man who appeared to be in his late fifties.

"Hi, so nice to meet you!" I enthusiastically said with a polite smile, reaching my hand out for him to shake. As I moved to pull away, the man tightened his grip on my hand before bringing it up to his lips and kissing the back of it. Knox cleared his throat as the arm he'd had anchored around my waist all night tensed. He was obviously annoyed by the gesture, as was I. I cleared my throat before tugging my hand back harder this time, glad when I saw realization dawn in the man's eyes. Paws off, pal.  

"Mr. Carmichael, how are you?" Another man - one I'd never met before - asked loudly as he came up to the small group of people we'd formed with the potential new client as his men. I could tell by the way Knox's mouth quirked ever so slightly down at the corners that he really disliked this man.

"I'm doing just fine, Preston. How are you?" he asked as cordially as he could manage. I lifted my flute of champagne to my lips to try and mask the amused smile that was threatening to pull at my lips. 

"Just dandy," the man shot back, making it more than clear to me that Knox's feelings for this man were mutual. "Now who might this beautiful woman be?" he asked, scanning my body with hungry eyes. I stepped closer to Knox's warm embrace, feeling extremely uncomfortable by the prodding look in Preston's eyes.

"This is my wife of over twenty years. That's the nicest way I can find to say fuck off, Preston, so don't push me," Knox growled vehemently, causing me to gasp.

"Knox!" I scolded while lightly slapping his chest. He shouldn't be speaking so...lively in front of a potential customer.

"Calm down, Knox," Preston said while raising his hands up in front of himself as if surrendering. "I was just going to check and make sure such a beautiful woman is being...pleased the way she deserves," he replied grossly, licking his lips as he eyeing me lustfully. I scoffed, the alcohol I'd consumed thus far making my judgment fuzzy. That, paired with being more than fed up with this guy's egregious behavior, was a bad combonation. 

"I don't know who the hell you think you are, but my husband pleases me just fine - that I can more than assure you of. So how about you take your pretty boy looks and mediocre sex appeal and go find someone else to bother. You're barking up the wrong damn tree, buddy," I sneered heatedly. "Actually, I think my husband and I will head up to our room now so that he can please me the way I deserve," I taunted pointedly, completely ignoring Knox's smug face as well as Mr. Davis' shocked one. I grasped Knox's arm and began pulling him towards the direction of the elevators.

"While that might not have been good for business, I don't think I've ever been so turned on ever before," Knox growled out as he trapped my body against the wall of the elevator the second we'd stepped inside. I giggled girlishly and wound my arms around his neck, pulling him down towards me. He reached behind us and rammed his hand into the emergency stop button of the elevator. I knew exactly what he had in mind, and I wasn't going to object. Not one bit. 

I reached up and attempted to blindly undo his bowtie while responding to his punishing kisses. He ripped my dress up and over my head, giving me a sense of deja vu from earlier in the night. 

"Fucking hell, I love it when you don't wear a bra," he rasped out before capturing one of my rosy pink nipples in his mouth and sucking.

"Please, please, please," I begged over and over, needing some sort of friction down there before I died of desire.

"Please what, baby? What do you want?" Knox asked as he grasped his long, thick length in his hand and began stroking it up and down.

"Your cock. I need your cock inside me right now," I ordered. Without another spoken word, Knox grabbed the back of my thighs in his calloused hands and lifted me into his arms. Not wasting any time, he reared back and thrusted into me, balls deep. I dug my nails into the soft surface of his shoulders, his dress shirt providing a barrier from my claws as he fucked me almost violently. I reached one hand up and wound my hands into his hair before tugging back and pressing my lips to his. It was sloppy and off center, but I didn't care. I just needed a distraction because I was not ready to come yet. Oh no, I needed this to last.

"Shit, you feel so good. How the fuck is it possible to still be so deliciously tight after four kids, baby? How? So fucking good, Flower," he grunted while pulling out one last time before thrusting into me as deep as he possibly could and spilling into me for the second time tonight.

"Thank God for kegel exercises," I teased as the both of us came down from our highs. He chuckled against the side of my neck before nodding in agreement. 

"I will never get enough of you, Flower," he murmured seconds before a voice sounded throughout the elevator.

"Is everything alright in there?" the person behind the intercom questioned.

"Oh, everything is more than okay," Knox replied, sending me a mischievous smile as I smothered my laughter behind my hand. 

Knox's Girl (Carmichael Series #1)✔️Where stories live. Discover now