she walked home alone again.

the next day was saturday. misha was at riley's house, sitting in the bay window with maya and riles. misha wasn't really listening to what riley was saying. she waited to nod until riley made her closing statement of the story. "and that's why i think the paste i ate is causing me to have arthritis in my ankle."

there was a knocking on the window, and then lucas came into the room. zay, smackle, and farkle followed.

maya made eye contact with zay before they did an elaborate handshake. "ahhh!!" they both yelled. everyone else was baffled. lucas just sat on riley's bed, mopey faced. "when did you guys come up with that?" misha wondered out loud.

"oh, it's something people on this side of the room know about," zay explained. lucas and riley tried it, failing miserably.

"we had our  first baseball tryout today. all my life, baseball has come naturally to me." lucas started his story, zay interrupting. "not today."

"it's gone! i mean, i get up to bat and couldn't even see the ball." he continued, but zay still spoke. "meanwhile, on this side of the room."

"he can't miss! he's hitting everything, he's great in the field, he's an all-star." lucas shouted in anger. zay grinned, interrupting once more. "wait, lucas, tell 'em what the coach said about me, tell 'em."

lucas sighed. "he said, 'good day, kid.

"now tell 'em what he said about you," zay demanded. "he said, 'good day, kid,'" lucas said with a frown.

misha shrugged. she didn't understand the big deal about this, until lucas spoke again.

he sat on the bed next to riley. "riley, we're losers," he whined. "do you know what's on our permanent record?"

riley smiled. "glitter and smiley faces if we try again?"

"losers!" he snapped. "woah, you aren't a loser," misha said. she thought lucas was totally overreacting and being very rude to riley.

she noticed farkle sitting with a frown. "what's wrong darlin'?" misha said with a "baby-voice." she didn't mean to mock how overdramatic they were, she just did.

"there's another genius in my honors chem class! that genius is making me feel bad," farkle complained. he felt good after letting it out; still upset though.

"then you're on this side of the room, loser." lucas patted a spot next to him for farkle to sit at. he plotted himself onto the edge of the bed.

"you know what the worst thing of life is? the worst thing of life is when someone you know is better than you in every way..." farkle started, but was interrupted by riley.

"rubs it in your face?" he shook his head. farkle opened his mouth to speak, but closed it after zay started to talk. "can't hit a baseball to save his life?" farkle groaned.

"me time! i was talking about you," he turned to smackle. "the worst thing of life is when someone you know is better than you in every way loves you anyway." he had a lopsided frown on his face.

"honeybuckets!" smackle explained. the odd nickname made misha shudder. "smackle's the genius in your chemistry class?" she asked.

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