"Sweetheart, it really would," Chelsea added.

    I stared at the both of them, noticing the hopeful expressions they wore. They really wanted me to do this. They needed this, it seemed. And despite everything. Despite how much I cared about Haiden, I had to give up. These two had given me everything I had ever wanted after my hell of a life I lived, so I owed them. I owed them the world and that meant I'd have to go against the boy who helped me earn the world.

    That was when I realized Haiden was who I owed everything, too. It was because of him my dad ended up in jail and I had become a part of The Daniel's family. So because of that, I knew I couldn't go against him. Not when he had given me everything.

   But because I couldn't hurt my family, I said, "Can I think about it?"

    "Of course," Chelsea said. "Take all the time you want."

    Thankful, I smiled at her. She seemed to be understanding, but Peter's eyebrows furrowed. It seemed like he thought I would agree right away, which made me feel guilty.

    Wanting to think everything through, I asked, "Can I go on a walk to clear my mind?"

    "Of course," Chelsea said again, smiling. "We're sorry we threw all this information at you and then expected you to make a decision. Even though I hope you join us, I also hope you know we will always love you."

    Her words made my heart sink and I quickly stood up. I then rushed out of the house, wanting to be alone. Everything that had been happening was so unbelievable and I questioned if I was having one long nightmare. It seriously seemed like it.

    Outside, I thought about how everything I thought I knew wasn't true. My guardians weren't ordinary, they were demon hunters. The world wasn't boring, it was filled with many different mythical creatures. Haiden had just been some sweet, ordinary boy, but now he was a criminal and a werewolf. I couldn't believe any of these things.

     I was almost at the end of my street when I heard Blake call me. Whirling around, I was suddenly face to face with Blake, who didn't look happy. Frowning, I wondered why.

    "You know, it made sense that you didn't join our side immediately," Blake said.

    "What?" I said, frowning.

    "I saw the way you and that guy, Haiden, looked at each other yesterday." His voice was cold. "Somehow you two know each other and from that look you gave him, I know he means something to  you."

    I froze at his words, stunned. I had been caught. After all these years, someone knew about my secret. It didn't feel relieving at all and fear filled me, seeing how upset Blake seemed. Internally, I began to pray he wouldn't tell his parents.

    "I... I don't know what you're talking about," I said, hoping to seem clueless.

    "Liar," Blake accused. "I can't believe you Luna. You do realize he's a killer, right?"

    I knew that. I had known that for months now, but that didn't change anything. Even if it should of changed my entire perspective of Haiden, it hadn't and I knew it never would. So, I didn't say anything.

    "Luna, you're so... So naive!" Blake exclaimed, seeming frustrated. "I swear if you don't join our side I'll tell my parents you know Haiden."

    I paled at that. That was the last thing I wanted and staring at Blake, I couldn't believe he was threatening me. After everything we'd been through, after how nice he'd been to me, I couldn't believe he was treating me like this. It made me feel furious, but I didn't say anything. I couldn't since Blake could possibly ruin both mine and Haiden's life.

    "Why... Why are you so angry?" I asked, wondering that as I took in how red Blake's face was.

    "I'm... Not,' Blake said, deflating. "I just want what's best for you, as always."

    "And threatening me into something I don't want to do is what's best for me?"

    "It's for your own good." He looked away, seeming slightly ashamed. "Trust me, okay."

    I didn't trust him. I would never again after this day. But, I knew I had to agree. Blake seemed dead set on his threat, so I had to agree in order to protect. I hated the idea of being against Haiden, but it was better than what he would do.

    "Fine, I'll join," I said flatly. "Go tell your parents that while I take a walk."

    "Thank you," Blake said. "Luna, I-"

I walked off then, ignoring how he kept calling after me. Anger and sadness was pumping through me and I kept telling myself that everything would be okay. Somehow, I would keep Haiden safe. If it was the last thing I did, I didn't care. All that mattered was that Haiden remained safe.

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