'Oh Lucy I expected better from you. But er no one will be leaving. Well not alive that is' I hear his chuckle before I open my eyes and use James to stand. He immediately steadies me and allows my body to lean against him.

'Looking a little pale Lacey. Dear maybe your to used and worn for this fight' my eyes clench shut at his words disgusted and hurt. James pulls me tighter saying numerous amount of 'no's' under his breath. I knew he had caught on to what Charles was insinuating

I see Brody launch at Charles followed shiftly from Brad. Now Charles may have been a lot older but he was still able to kill someone with his skills, with his hands so easily. They wouldn't last, not for long anyway. The only advantage they had was that he was slower now.

I can only watch as Lucy and Paul fight the few men that Charles had brought in with him.  I look towards Tristan and Connor 'stand with Molly, she can't see and her hearing is weak. She is vulnerable. Main priority'

They nod as Molly lets out a small whimper, I move towards her with James' aid hugging her tightly 'I love you Molly. Your gonna be okay'

She grips me tightly and her hand goes to her back pocket pulling out a pocket knife 'I took it before I lost my sight. Go and kick his arse. Love you Lacey'

I take the knife and turn to watch the fight in full motion. James grabs me 'you can't fight. You can barely stand'

'I have to James. I fought with a broken leg before. I can do this. Please look after Molly'

I step away and look to see Charles pinning Bradley to the floor and Brody holding his arm that now had a knife in it. I grimace at the pain he must be feeling before limping forward. I didn't know if I would win this but I damn well knew they would survive.

'Ch-Charles... Why don't we settle this just between us?' My voice is raw but I try to keep it as strong as possible. Lucy doesn't even stop fighting the on coming men when she hears my voice but I see the flicker of her eyes to me.

I grip the knife tightly in my hand as Charles stops trying to strangle Brad. He smirks as he steps away 'if that's what you wish dear. Oh but why don't we make a deal. I remember how much you love those'

I falter in my stance and I know for a fact he saw it as he smirks again 'what deal?' 

'If you win dear, I let you go. With your little friends. If you lose you have to stay. Think of all the fun we will have- oh and a friend of your choice dies'  he stands in front of me, a stance ready for a fight

'So what do you say?'

'I think that's enough talking'

Dimly aware of the hush that happened around. It was like an audience watching, anticipating who would win and what would happen. Even I was unsure. The fight beside me continued strong and fast as I faced my opponent., I would let Charles make the first move.

Charles moved.

I jerked back, aside. The blow meant for my jaw whizzed by in a blur of knuckles. From the corner of my eye, I could see saw his other arm begin an upward trajectory. I ducked this time, ignoring the pain through my body.

Drop to the floor. Roll clear, stand. Don't let him connect. Draw it out. Wear him out. Make him sweat before a blow is given.

Charles charged with a roar like a bull. I watched him draw closer and closer before I sidestepped, whirled to face him. I decided now I needed to cause damage. I lunged and manage to avoid one flying fist, only to collide with another.

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