The Mysterious Case of Romeo and.....well Romeo

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I decided to put an author’s note in this chapter to tell you to fan. If you like the story or any of my other ones it would be wise for you to fan because I do give sneak peeks and things to my fans. Also please comment and vote, I like to hear what you like and what I could do better on. This would be much appreciated.


Chapter 5

In a perfect world a huge freight train would have come out of nowhere like in the movie Inception and killed him.

But it didn’t sadly because nothing ever went his way.

He looked up at Jasper’s expectant face and all of sudden was angry. He decided that if Jasper could ignore his questions, then Gray could sure as hell stroll on with his business when Jasper asked his. He secured Sky to his chest and made way for his car, walking pass the boy that blocked his way.

“Grayson,” Jasper called.

“I don’t have some cryptic answer bullshit, or a sarcastic comment to say to avoid your questions, so I went with the easier approach,” Gray sighed. As he got to his car he quietly opened the door to the back seat, leaning over he made sure to tuck his sleeping sister across the seat. After she was safely in, Gray shut the back door and turned to get in the front when he felt Jasper blocking his way.

“Move,” Gray hissed.

“Tell me what you heard,” Jasper retorted.

“Why should I? You don’t tell me anything anyway,” Gray huffed.

“Tell me what you heard,” he repeated.

Gray paused, looking into the deep blue eyes that he spent every aching moment thinking about.

“I heard that you’re no good,” he huffed. “From what I heard, I’m glad I figured it out, before I actually-”

“Actually what?”

He shook his head, “Forget it.

“Look my sister is tired, I have to take her home, so if you’d kindly move your ass,” Gray huffed irritated.

“Look Grayson, give me a chance to explain,” Jasper pleaded for what seemed like the first time in his life. Gray had to do a double take because it seemed so unorthodox for the person in front of him. What parallel universe is this?

“You see that girl in there? Well she’s ten, and she has cancer, so sorry but her needs override yours,” Gray huffed, though he was sure he sounded like a child. “So move or I’ll move you.”

Jasper paused for a second, as he always did when asked or told something, still taking the meaning of think before you’re told to heart.

The Mysterious Case of Jasper Drake (boyxboy)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя