Chapter 9 - Unforeseen Fate

Start from the beginning


I woke to the sound of moaning. It was still dark and according to the clock on the table, it was three am. I sat up and heard the moaning again. It seemed to be coming from the room next door. I tried to forget about it and go back to sleep. 

“Shiki… Shiki… no… not there…” a girl’s voice called. My eyes shot open and I gasped. Shiki? No way. Of course it couldn’t be Senri Shiki. He was overseas, doing modelling for some top company. It was just another person with the same name.

However hard I tried to sleep, the voice kept replaying in my head. I gulped. Should I go and tell them to quieten down? I thought. It was getting louder and the floor next to me was shaking. I clenched my fists and sat up again. I went onto the balcony for some air, and also to see what my next door neighbours were doing.

Outside, it was windy and cold. I rubbed my arms and stamped my feet. Then I turned my head over to the balcony next to mine and it seemed as though a lamp had been lit. The sounds were even louder outside and my heart beat quickened. If they were really doing it, how could I sleep knowing what was going on next door? I suddenly became irked and went back inside, out the door and ready to knock on 118’s door. But then I was scared, frightened that they didn’t want anyone to disturb them. 

In the end, I knocked on the door twice. I half-expected the person to open it to be Senri, but it was probably just wishful thinking. Of course he wouldn’t open the-

“What do you want?”

I stood there, quite still for a few seconds, before running straight out of the inn.

Senri Shiki had  opened the door.

He wasn’t overseas.

And the girl on the floor behind him…

Was Rima Toya.

How could it be? Senri Shiki had to be overseas. He had kissed me and said he would come back. I believed him. And where was he? In a hot springs inn, having fun with Rima. I was bursting in tears the whole way out. To make it worse I was wearing the wrong kind of clothes to be escaping. A white dressing gown over a loose-fitting top and shorts. The reception was dark and I couldn’t get out of the door. Dammit! Why was the door locked?

Suddenly the light opened and a sleepy looking receptionist opened the door for me. She saw my tears and immediately looked as if she was really worried.

“Miss! Are you okay?”

I carried on sniffing and sobbing, not stopping to answer her. Instead I bowed my head and carried on running. Past all the shops and restaurants, hotels and streetlamps. Running until my chest burned like fire, until my lungs were worked to their limit, until my legs weakened and I dropped to the ground. 

Ahead of me was a footbridge with a ten foot drop to the water surface. My heart pumped and my head too, tears falling like waterfalls. My vision was blurred because of the tears and my nose was running so much the sea had taken a detour into my mouth. The river was dark and murky, and strong waves were blowing towards their next destination. My hair flew in all directions, but I didn’t care anymore. Clutching onto the railing, I flipped myself over so I was standing on the other side. All that was left to do, was jump.

Takeru’s P.O.V 

Tsubaki was safe in her room, and I was safe in mine. There was nothing what would cause her any trouble, unless Senri Shiki suddenly showed up. How could that Biele person do that to Tsubaki? Show her a vague image of Senri, as if he was Rido, and let her think that Rido was actually alive?

I saw her go into room 120, and I was in 135 at the end of the corridor. I could easily check to see if she was okay. She went out with a towel, most likely to bathe for a while. I went down and entered the men’s bathing area. My eyes searched the place for Senri Shiki. Damn it, where was he? There was only one bather and he was someone I’d never seen before. I hurried inside to the showers and there he was. 

Sitting on a stool, washing his hair. 

“Oi! Shiki!”

He turned his head and glared at me. “Strauss-sensei? What are you doing here?” he asked nonchalantly. Well, it’s not like he knew why I was here.

I charged at him and punched him. “You! Lie to Tsubaki again and I’ll kill you! She’s actually looking for you, can you believe it? She’s looking for a jerk like you who cheats and lies. Go back where you belong, son of Rido Kuran!!!”

Feeling pleased with my achievement, I stormed back to my room and slammed the door. Didn’t that foolish boy know that his dad killed Tsubaki’s mum?


Hey... it's been a while since I last updated! Anyway, I'm so so sorry for the readers who came here because they liked Senri Shiki! I'm afraid I can't change Vampire Knight, and the ending. So I've decided what's going to happen with Tsubaki...

I honestly thought I had already updated this chapter, but it seems I was wrong. Vote, comment, and fan if you really like it!

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