Chapter 4 - A Revelation for Senri

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Chapter 4 A Revelation for Senri


Senri’s P.O.V

“Thank you, Shiki, Toya. It’s always a joy having you two here!” the producer thanked, shaking our hands.

“It’s a pleasure,” Rima replied coldly. The producer gave a nervous smile before waving and going back into the studio. “Finally. Let’s go back to the academy, Shiki.”

“All right. Let’s get a taxi then.”

When we arrived at the academy, I could already feel something different. It was dusk, yet no girls were screaming at the gate. But of course, all the beautiful vampires had left. I had been absent so long that I wasn’t used to it. We went into the dormitory where some students were getting ready for lessons. I sent Rima in the direction of her room. She was tired after a day of modelling.  I returned to my empty room. Boy, it seemed strange when Takuma wasn’t there. I dragged my suitcase inside and found a note on my bed. Huh? Who was this? TK?

Tsubaki Kuroda.

My eyes amplified as I read through the note again and again. Why had Tsubaki come into my room? And when? The bed was made and no dust stuck to the furniture. It must’ve been recently. I wondered how much she had changed.

“Let’s meet again, Shiki-kun.” 

Those were the last words she said to me. She had said it in a way that meant she really did want to see me again. I sort of smiled, then laid down on my bed. Then I noticed a petal on the ground. Tsubaki must have been here today if this petal was left by her. Had I just missed her by an hour or so? I wasn’t sure if I wanted to see her myself. Even so, I kept the note and flower fragment on my table. I was leaving in a few days again. I had gotten used to sleeping at night now because of the modelling I was doing. All the producers were humans after all.

So I went to sleep with the thoughts of Tsubaki Kuroda full in my mind.

Tsubaki’s P.O.V

It was midnight when Haruka and I returned to aunt Kyoko’s house. We had eaten dinner outside in a restaurant and accidentally got a bit drunk. Me included. I had never tasted alcohol before so it was a new sensation. My body seemed to accept it quite well in fact.

I had fallen asleep as soon as I had got into the house. Then I was sick the next morning. But the worst thing was, so was Haruka. He was sicker than I was even though he didn’t drink much alcohol. I cared for him every minute I had, and even read books to him whilst he was sleeping. I couldn’t lose the man I had just found that quickly. 

Aunt Kyoko was very worried that Haruka would move on. Had I pushed him too far by taking him out to the academy? I felt so much regret for my selfish actions. And is was me who suggested he have some red wine. 

The next day, he stopped breathing.

For a few seconds.

I noticed straight away and blew some air into his lungs. He recovered, but it made me so worried and aware that if I went anywhere, he could die any second. If I called a hospital, well they’d take him to the police for his ‘crimes’. Unless aunt Kyoko had a private doctor. I hurried downstairs to ask her.

“Hey, aunt Kyoko, do you have a family doctor?” I asked, out of breath from running.

“Oh? No, I don’t. My husband is a doctor so I never hired one.”

“Where’s your husband now?” I said desperately.

She bit her lip. “Well… he’s in Macao. Won’t be back for a while.”

Searching for Senri Shiki (sequel to Senri Shiki - My Forbidden Vampire Knight)Where stories live. Discover now