Chapter 8 - Turning Against Tsubaki

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Chapter 8 Turning Against Tsubaki

I leapt off the bus, even more excited than I was before. If I happened to be Rido’s daughter, I would be Senri’s half-sister! Just the thought of it made me smile. But then I thought of Takeru. The person who had comforted me when Haruka died. The man who smiled so cutely. The cousin I adored. And what about Senri? My crush.

When I knocked on the door, the housemaid opened the door with a sad look on her face. “Tsubaki-sama, you’re home. I’m afraid Kyoko-sama has drank too much alcohol and is currently in the hospital.”

I fell to the ground. What was going on? Why did I have to hurt everyone around me? My mum, Rima, the headmaster, my dad… and now aunt Kyoko. Takeru was probably also hurt. Takeru. Where was he?

“And is Takeru with her?”

She looked blank. “No, he went out soon after you did. I’m not sure where he went.” I nodded and went upstairs. My hair was all messy and I brushed the tangles out. With every stroke, I felt even more depressed. I thought I had gotten over Haruka’s death but now that there was a chance Rido was my father I felt terrible. 

Tsubaki, Rido is not your father.

I jumped up in shock. Mother?!

Yes. I’m here again. And I’m so happy to be with your father now. Listen darling, Rido is not your father. He raped me after you were born. 

Oh… I see…

There’s no need to be so sad. We’re both with you, in your heart. One day, you’ll find out about my death. I can’t tell you now. Go and seek the man you want and give him a good telling off. 

Okay! Mother, wait… 

But she disappeared just like that. I no longer sought her presence. Well that was one of my problems out of the way. Now I had to find that Rido. I heard the door slam downstairs and heavy footsteps retreat up the stairs. The door swung open and Takeru was there in his coat, breathing heavily and sweating.

“Tsubaki…” he whispered, running towards me. “I’ve got an invitation from the Kurans. They’re holding a ball. Let’s go, it’s tomorrow.”

A ball? “O-oh, but I had plans-”

“Come on, Yuki will be there. You’ll get to see her and have a chat. You were sisters for ten odd years, weren’t you?”

“Yes, but why are you so worn out?”

“Don’t worry about me. Pick out your clothing and let’s practise dancing for a bit.”

Everything went by so quickly I didn’t even realise that Takeru had undressed me and got me into a ball gown. “Takeru!!” I said, blushing. 


We got out of the car, linking arms. It was dark and Kaname was greeting everyone with Yuki by his side. I smiled and rushed over, pulling Takeru. 

“Yuki! It’s me, Sakura!”

Both Kaname and Yuki stared at me for a few seconds before realising. “Sakura!” they mused in unison. I beamed. “Come on in, we have to talk!”

Yuki mouthed something to Kaname, then took me inside. Takeru left me to go dance and I was led into a room with posh recliners and a colour scheme of purple.

“So! How are you?” I asked. Yuki looked at me with sorrow in her eyes. “Yuki?”

“I’m being pulled apart by Zero and Kaname. Everything I’ve been through, it’s crazy. I’m being left at home solitarily with Hanabusa Aidou and I feel like I’m trapped. Hardly anyone comes to visit because this mansion is so far away from society. Sakura, what’s been going on in your life?”

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