Chapter Two - You Do See How This Might Make Us Look Bad?

Start from the beginning

They split up. Patty starts to ramble to Abby about how the ghost is probably on to something by trashing the American history section. Erin and Holtzmann head up the stairs onto the second floor, going through each section in search of the entity. They meet the science section and Holtzmann stops in her path and gestures for Erin to look at something.

"Well would you look at that..." Holtzmann says.

To Erin's surprise, hers and Abby's book is on display with a note that reads "Columbia University is proud to have had the brilliant Dr. Erin Gilbert teach with us and share her knowledge on physics and the paranormal before leaving to further pursue her passion and saving New York City from harms way. - Signed Dean Harold Fillmore, Ph.D". Erin's face begins to twitch as she grows furious.

"Mother fu-" Erin mutters angrily.

"Look out!" Holtzmann shouts before tackling Erin to the ground.

The bookshelf near Erin collapses on where she was just standing. The ghost appears from behind it and scurries away.

"Holy shit! You just saved my life!" Erin says breathlessly.

"Don't mention it!" Holtzmann winks.

A moment passes before they realize that they're still on the ground, one on top of the other, faces just inches apart, seemingly moving closer. Holtzmann quickly jumps on her feet and helps Erin up.

"You okay?" Holtzmann asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine! Thanks!" Erin gives her a small smile.

The ghost returns and begins to throw books toward them.

"Uh, guys, we've got a feisty one up here and I'm not just talking about Erin." Holtzmann shouts.

"We're on our way!" Patty shouts back.

Abby and Patty join the other two ladies and the four of them grab their proton weapons and light up the ghost. As the entity is worn down by the power, Holtzmann grabs a ghost trap and throws it on the ground ready to capture the spirit.

"Erin, since this thing tried to kill you, would you like to do the honors?" Holtzmann asks.

"With pleasure!" Erin smirks and springs the trap open and capturing the ghost.

They celebrate their victory. Each time they catch a ghost is more exciting than the last. Except for that whole near apocalypse. Nothing could ever top that of course. They share congratulatory hugs and high fives and exit the library where they're greeted by the terrified librarian and security.

"Did you kill it?" The frightened librarian asks.

"Lady, we can't kill something that's already dead." Patty says, Abby nudges her.

"What Patty means to say is that we've captured the apparition and you're safe now." Abby says. "However, it's a mess in there!"

"Oh thank you, thank you!" The librarian says before hugging them and heading inside. The ladies start their walk back to the car when they are approached by someone Erin could recognize from a mile away: Dr. Fillmore.

"Ah, Dr. Gilbert, pleasure seeing you again. You're looking great as always and these must be your fellow uh- ghostbusters... Thank you all for your work today! We truly appreciate it and your discretion. We wouldn't want Harvard or Yale hearing about this." He says. "Uh, Dr. Gilbert, I'm so glad to have caught you before you left. May I have a word with you?" He asks.

"Anything you have to say to me, you can say in front of my team." Erin replies, anger in her voice.

"Well Dr. Gilbert, I reviewed your recommendation from Princeton a second time and it was really quite impressive actually. If you're interested, we'd love to have you back teaching here when you aren't hunting ghost. With tenure of course and your resignation would be completely off the table." He says.

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