Handsome Stranger

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"Hey Carl, can I hang this up in here?" I asked stepping into the bar to be hit in the face with a cloud of smoke and the stench of stale beer.

"What is it?" He asked taking the poster from me. "You really want to advertise that here?"

"What? Our customers are great."

"Of course they are but do you really want to live with them?" HE asked scanning the room I realised he had a point and popped it behind the bar.

"I suppose not."

"You know Hunny I don't mean to go all parental on you but do you really want to advertise for a complete stranger to live with you? I mean it's kind of dangerous don't you think?" He paused. "All I mean is, can't you ask someone you know and trust to live with you?"

"In case you haven't noticed I kind of don't have any friends."

"Ah hmm," He cleared his throat. "And what am I then?"

"Okay Carl would you be my room mate?"

"Hell to the no! Sorry Hunny, I love you like a sister but I could never live with you."

"Well thanks!" I acted hurt.

"I just mean we are great as friends but our personalities would clash if we lived together and I don't want to lose a friend."

"Sure, right." I let out a sigh.

"Oh before I forget, we have a new girl starting tonight and you being the best barmaid ever I thought you could show her the ropes."

"Aren't ypu working tonight?"

"Nope, I have a hot date with some hot guy I met through tinder."

"And you caution me on stranger room mates. Take your own advice and be careful."

"Oh don't worry about me Hunny, I have a friend coming along. As in he'll be sitting at the bar waiting until I give him the signal it's safe to go."

"Good, still always be on guard okay."

"Yes ma'am." He saluted me.

"So when's the new girl due to arrive?"

Carl checked his phone. "In about twenty minutes."

"Good time for a coffee before my shift begins then."

"off you go." He shooed me away before going to tend to a customer.

"Oh Amber." Carl called just as I took the last swig of coffee. I placed the mug in the sink and headed out front where I saw a girl standing about my height with wavy black/blue hair, green eyes much like my own. I noted she had the bottom right side of her lip pierced and decorated with a black hoop. She had a black Metallica tank top on so I noted the fact she had one whole arm sleeve tattoo and another that looked like it might be in progress.

"Amber Hunny this is Nicola. Nicola this is Amber."

"Hey Amber pleased to meet you, but you can all call me Nikki."

"Nikki pleased to meet you. Hope you're ready for tonight as Carl has decided to be mean and put you on, on one of our busiest nights."

"Hey I need to see if she's up for the challenge and besides I have no doubt with a teacher like you she will do just fine."

"Haven't you got a date to get ready for?" I scowled at him.

"I do." And with that he took his leave.

"Have you have any experience at all?" I asked Nikki. She shook her head. "Right then, well while it's quiet lets get you accustom to the lay out of the bar." With that I showed her what was where and how to do a bottle change. I explained barrel changing would be another days task and then I taught her how to pull the prefect pint and a few of the most popular cocktails. "Now I know I just overwhelmed you with info so please if you need a hand shout and I will come help okay."

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