It may have been the dim lighting of the store, but Bobby's eyes seemed to darken as he said, "What kind of revamping?"

I shoved a hoard of shirts in his direction, the clatter of the hangers slicing through our conversation abruptly.

"Those and more," I said, my voice seemingly quiet compared to the noise that preceded it.

His smirk only got bigger as we continued talking. "What do you suggest?"

"I suggest a completely new look for the summer. Muscle tees, khakis, tennis shoes that don't make you look like a thirty year old."

He grinned widely and grabbed my arm, leading me towards the summer sales.

"Lead the way, favorite faggot. Take me to FashionLand," he dramatically declared as he gestured towards the racks.

I punched him on the arm before chuckling and letting the clothes overtake me.


"Are you done?" I called to him, still standing outside the dressing rooms.

When there was no answer, I sighed and turned towards the clothes. Tapping my foot, I tried to wait, but it was getting hard.

"I may not be gay, but I don't think this qualifies as style," he said behind me.

I turned to see him drowning in his clothes, all of them a size too big; the tie-dye muscle tee and the black khakis were hideously large and awkward compared to his absence of shoes.

It didn't look good, but it was freaking hilarious.

So hilarious, that I started to cackle uncontrollably.

Doubled over, teary-eyed cackling.

Over my laughs I could hear him saying, "This is not funny, you're the one who did this to me."

I wiped my eyes and tried to catch my breath long enough to speak, "So I misjudged your size. Doesn't mean I can't laugh at this."

I couldn't stop another laughing fit from bursting through me, making Bobby chuckle a little too before he shuffled back into the dressing rooms.

I managed to calm down before he came back out. I had a grin on my face, and it grew wider as he handed me the clothes and simply shook his head. I was trying so hard not to laugh, watching him walk away in fake anger.

I simply put the clothes on a rack and went over to him.

"Look I'm sorry, it was funny," I told him.

"It was, but-," his words stopped as abruptly as his footsteps. His gaze was distant, and I followed his eyes to the front of the store.

It was Megan, her face lit with excitement and her neon pink crutches making my eyes hurt a little in the sunlight.

Megan was a burn survivor, an act of arson causing her left leg to be amputated when she was just an infant. Since then, she's been living the high life, even if she was less than four feet tall. I didn't treat her differently because of it; she was still a person. But sometimes I thought it made Bobby fall for her harder.

She looked around the store, her blonde hair silkily whipping around, until her vibrant green eyes finally locked with his.

Suddenly, I wasn't there.

She walked over, her smile gorgeous as always.

"Hey, you," she cooed, her skin flushing a little.

"Megan," Bobby said excitedly, "It's great to see you." His eyes shone with something I'd never seen before: complete and utter adoration. It sort of hurt my heart, but I didn't let it show.

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