I've been TAGGED

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Sorry for no new chapter, but I have been tagged by TOP_RAVEN. I never in my world thought anyone would tag me, so I'm suppose to tell 13 random facts about myself. Hmm... this should be interesting. Well here I go;

1. My favorite color in the world is GREEN! I love the color GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. My favorite food is shrimp (any kind, except for raw!)

3. I have an huge obsession about Supernatural and One Piece!

4. My birthday is June 22nd.

5. In my free time, I like to draw, write, read, and listen to music.

6.My favorite song is Centuries by Fall Out Boy. ( I still listen to this song in the morning to wake me up, and FOB is my favorite band.)

7.When you first get to meet me, I'm very quiet, because I'm observing you and how you do things. (When you really get to know me, you'll find out I'm loud, friendly, and loyal. It may seem like I don't care about your problems, but in a reality; I do)

8.I've only fallen in love two times in my life (so far/ I'm single AF)(I have never been on a date (I'm a girl) and I have only ever asked one guy out! My friends flipped out, because I came back all calm, and was like; "Yeah he said hew wasn't ready to date anyone yet")

9. ACE is my BAE from One Piece (R.I.P. MY LOVE!!!!!!!)

10.I live in Austin.

11.I have "crazy witch" hair, that goes in many different directions , and I can shape into horns.

12. I have this HUGE CRUSH on the actor, Jensen Ackles, from Supernatural.(~* o *~) (HE IS MY GOD!!!!!!!)

13.My favorite number is 13!!







14:I'm a YouTuber called Deathdrakel13...(- _ -)

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