34: Dirty game... Dangerous Game.

Start from the beginning


Then why did you bring it up?


She was still crying, so I sat us down, providing her with stupid words of comfort.

"Stop it. They don't mean anything. You know that." If Tony was able to bring her down in tears, we can't go back there.

'Cm'on, we're going to a hotel for the night, or week, or something...'

"Week sounds good... Thanks." I shrugged as we stood up.

'Well, you were dragging me...' She weakly punched me in the shoulder.

"Be quiet paddawan."

I tapped her nose. 'You got it wrong, I'm voldemort, and I killed you. Kapeesh?' She laughed for a quick 30 seconds, then sobered up after that. We didn't say anything until we got to the hotel.

"Hello, how can I help you ladies?"

'Room for two please, separate beds also.' She nodded and put something in her register.

"How long will you be staying with us?"

I smiled. 'A week please.' She smiled back.

"That's $125 please, a special for you two."

I chuckled and handed her $150.

'There's a tip. Thanks.' She handed me a key and put the money in the register.

"Thank you and have a nice visit!"

'Thanks!' I looked at the number.


"Well, that's unfortunate..." We both laughed on the way to the room, and when we went into our room, I nearly fell over. I wasn't exactly expecting something as flashy as this, but I'm not complaining.

The rugs were black and white, like everything else. The bathroom had a small black chandelier in the middle of the room, and a good looking shower. The beds were double and had towels on the ends, along with a throw over blanket. The window had a nice view of the city, and had black curtains hung up.

There Was a basket of lollies for welcoming sitting on the table, but someone had already stuffed her face with them.

'Leave some for me!' I landed on the bed beside her, but she hissed and pulled the lollies away from me. I saw Skylar get excited in my head at the sound of a cat.

It was the first time I've seen her.

She was beautiful. She was fully white apart from her black ears with ocean blue eyes


No, Lilly.


Do you reckon I could shift into you?


'Yo, Lilly' She grunted. 'Reckon I should shift into Skylar?' She spat out her lollies, then was jumping up and down in front of me.

"YES! Yes, yes, yes!"

I put my hands up and laughed. 'Alright!'

I think you should just think of me... Standing where you are. Or if that doesn't work, get angry.

I thought about her pouncing on Lilly and licking her face.


Steve... He wants to touch me... Corrupt me even farther.

That worked.

I felt my bones cracking and fur growing on my skin.

It hurt, but I just grunted. The pain didn't faze me.

When it was done, Lilly was eating lollies again, while watching me. The lollies come or of her mouth due to her gaping.

"That is so cool!" She walked up to Skylar and scratched her behind the ear, making her tail wag.

"You are so beautiful... Skylar... Like that pretty blonde..." Skylar growled and pawed at the ground.

And what about me?

Not now Miley!!!

Oops, sorry... Can I come back?

Probably best, I can't even talk to her!

The shifting didn't hurt this time, and I still had my clothes on, so I went over to Lilly and hugged her.

'You didn't deserve that...'
She just kept crying.
'He was playing a dirty and dangerous game... And he lost...'

She was full out crying now.

And I was just sitting there, rubbing circles on her back.

I know I said twice a week, but, that clearly didn't happen. I need to find my days and stick with it.
Love y'all!
Hope you liked it! And please vomment... Please...

Hydra's Medusa An Avengers fan fiction [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now