Oh Baby, Won't You C*m Again?

Comenzar desde el principio

"Funny, Mars and I were just talking about how much we love the rain."

Matty snorts, "Yeah, what else do you two have in common?"

"Our fondness of jasmine and cinnamon."

It takes him a second to realize – "She's got the candles out – what? Why? What are you two doing? Without me? Very disrespectful."

"The lights are out," I whine, hoping to revert from his line of thought.

"Marcy's feeling a little displaced," George says, completely seeing through me despite our lack of lighting.

"What do you mean?" Matty asks. My eyes widen and I shake my head at George, not wanting to have this conversation with one party on the phone. "Marceline, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I insist.

"No you're not," George counters. "You've been avoiding me all day – we're practically a yard apart – before that morning you'd have been laying in my lap – or at least looking at me."

"It's nothing, I just rather be alone right now, is all," I fold my arms more in some sort of comfort rather than defiance.

"Marcy, darling...did you not want that?"

"No," I say quickly, "It's not that – I did – I just, It's, I mean, you guys – you've...but I...I'm just a little confused," I finally settle on, quietly.

"Confused about what?"

I shrug, "My feelings?"

The line is quiet and George quirks an eyebrow at me.

"Oh," Matty finally says, but it's unclear if his tone is understanding or disappointed. It makes my heart beat faster than it should, and the sinking feeling in my stomach is a bomb waiting to annihilate me.

"Sorry," I whisper. I stand up abruptly, tripping over the things the darkness cloaks.

"Mars –" I shake my head at George and retreat to Matty's room. It's cold and dark and I realize too late that I should have grabbed a candle from the array George and I had lit. I shut the door behind me, quietly and shuffle my way towards the dresser, feeling for the drawers. I open one, fumbling for something soft and cotton and throwing it over my head before shuffling towards the bed.

I hear George shuffling around, mumbling quietly to Matty and I pull a pillow over my head, trying to cancel out the noise. Even the rush of my heartbeat is frustrating me to no end. I just want a little peace and quiet but it's something I clearly can't maintain.


"Ow," I groan when Matty tackles me awake. It's still dark, but I know the shape of his body, the scent of his cologne and the texture of his hair more than I know myself. I breathe deeply, my eyes still closed, but I wrap my hands around his waist and hold him a little tighter than usual.

"Wake up, I missed you."

"I'm up," I promise, "I missed you, too."

"Let's talk."

"Let's not," I sigh.

The bed shifts a little and I feel George's body, lay right beside mine. "No, we definitely should," he insists.

I open my eyes, blinking to adjust them to the lighting, or lack thereof. A candle is placed on the dresser, making the dark room more bearable. "A bout what?"

"Sex, baby." George chuckles.

"You and me," Matty continues, "and George."

I roll my eyes, "All the good things and the bad things?"

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