2. the contract

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The apartment complex was a few blocks away so you walked. It was currently night time, and there wasn't many people out and about.

"Something doesn't feel right f/n." Kuro spoke up causing you start looking around your surroundings.

"Now that you point that out.." You start to look back and noticed a man who was a few feet away but what caught your attention more was when your turned forward, there was also another man there who was dressed with the same coat.

You decided to take a turn on the alleyway. You knew a shortcut from there but never really bothered to use it since it requires you to jump the fence.

You started speed walking and looking back every other second to see if you were being followed.
But at one point, you looked back for a little too long that you didn't notice a certain figure jump right in front of you.

"What is it Miss? Are you scared or something?" It was one of those men with the same coat on from the sidewalk.

"I-I, no! I'm just trying to get home.." You nervously spoke out and made your way around him.

The man looked behind like if he was signaling someone and then looked back at you.
A loud noise from a gun startled you but Kuro on the other hand was gone from your shoulder.

"Kuro?!" You dropped the grocery bags and started to look for him around you.

"Oh my, it seems like your cute little friend got away." The man approached you, making you take a step back.
"He has to be around here though. It's not like he could separate far from his eve anyway."
There were now two men around you and Kuro was no where to be found.

"What do you want!" You yelled out, making the men laugh at your distress. The other man then started to get a rope to try and tie you down but as he was about to, he was kicked down by none other than Kuro.

"Kuro!" You yelled out, happy to see that he was okay.

"We need to go!" He said grabbing your wrist but as you both were about to start running, one of the men threw long darting knifes, penetrating Kuro's stomach from behind.
Kuro then let go of your wrist and fell onto the floor leaving you with wide eyes.

You had no idea what was going or what was the deal with these two men but the last thing you wanted to was not do anything to help. Not only didn't you want to help, you knew you needed to. These men were also targeting you so you had to do something.

You quickly examined your surroundings to see if there were any weapons or anything you can use against them.
Your eyes then stopped as you saw a piece of thick wood on the ground by the dumpsters.

"Perfect." You mumbled running to it and picking it up. The second you got your hands on it, you immediately ran back and smacked one of the men who was near Kuro hard on his head.

"Kuro, let's go!" He then got himself back up so you both can flee but that's when the other man threw another set of darting knifes.

Kuro quickly pushed you onto the ground, behind some barriers where he landed on top of you. Unfortunately one of the knifes slice your arm, making blood drip from it.
You let out a small cry of pain, doing your best not to freak out.

"Who are they?!" You panted, covering your wound.

"They're some vampire hunters." He looked back down at you.
"You need to hide from them if not you're screwed...I'll stay and distract them so you run and find somewhere to hide for the time being." You can hear a bit of pain in his voice.
"But I won't be able to do much to them..I haven't drunk blood in hundreds of years, I'm practically just a regular cat now.."

You looked down at his wound that was still dripping blood.
"No.. Let me help you too Kuro!" You thoughtlessly yelled out making the male speechless.
But before you can think things through, you lifted up the arm with the wound and stuck it between Kuro's fangs, causing him to drink your blood. Of course, ignorant over the consequences of this, you thought it would simply boost his strength.

He licked his lips with a smirk on his face. Your wrist and his neck let out the same blue light from earlier but this time it formed a chain.

"This will be troublesome.." He said as he got up. You followed as well and noticed his eyes were glowing red and had huge black claws on his hands.

"Oh this isn't good." One of the men whispered to himself.

"Well it's all set and done now." Kuro spoke up, shrugging off the part that the contract was just formed.
"You're my eve now."

Your eyes were on Kuro and you were trying to accept the situation in front of you.
You found a cat, who was really a vampire. And now you're stuck together for not just 24 hours but for pretty much until your deathbed possibly.
He had explained everything earlier and now you had officially formed the contract with him. Kuro was now your Servamp.

"So what do I do?" He interrupted your thoughts.

"Just knock the other one out! Don't kill him!" You didn't want death or be responsible for anyone's death. Even if Kuro would not hesitate to kill.

Kuro sprinted towards him and landed a hit behind his neck where he passed out immediately. The power he gained the moment he got a sip of your blood was obvious and absolutely incredible.

At home, after you put up the food, you sat in the couch next to Kuro.

"Hey.. I just wanted to apologize.." You shyly spoke making him face your direction.
"The last thing you probably wanted was to become my Servamp and I forced it upon you.." You let out a small frown, feeling bad over it.

"It's okay. As long as you stay out of trouble, I have no complaints." He responded, making you feel slightly better.
"I saw the way you reacted and knocked out one of those hunters with the piece of wood. If you wouldn't have saved me there, we probably would've been screwed for real." He thanked you afterwards, causing you to get a huge smile on your face.

"Aw Kuro! I should be thanking you instead!" You jumped on him to hug him with pink cheeks on your face but you didn't care.
"I promise I'll buy you all the ramen and chips you want!!" You giggle afterwards making him feel somewhat embarrassed of your closeness.

"Promise..?" He bluntly said and you nodded in agreement with a genuine smile.

Hi ya! Hope you enjoyed chapter 2!! Don't forget to vote/comment if you did! :3

eve and the servamp (editing!!)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz