17-Stealing, Crushed, and Arguing

Start from the beginning

"Fine," She said. She puts her hood on. "Put your hood on."

I put it back on, and roll my sleeves down. Its hot. We leave the house through the way we entered. We put back the bug screen and ran to the car. The two girls guarding hopped in after us. Lana drove us to the base. On the way we talked about how it went. Paige also showed us these beautiful diamond earrings she found in a room.

We arrived at the base and went back in. We went to the room especially made just for things we steal. We put them here and sell then to poor Angels or people that need something expensive at a cheap price. For electronics we take them to our hackers, so they can hack the device and erase every trace of the person who previously had it.

"Paige, I got to go," I tell her.

"Oh, okay, bye," She said. I grabbed my skateboard from my locker area. I put my mask in my backpack and take out the spray paint. I leave the building and head back to the school. I look at my phone and it was 10. This must be the earliest, I've left the Angel's base. I entered my room and Mitch was talking to Kacy and Vik who were in the room.

"Hello, Mitch," I said. I put my backpack down by my bed. "Did Anne drop off the painting?"

"Yeah," Mitch said and pointed by the door. I go over and grab it. I turn it over and smile. Perfect.

"It's beautiful," Kacy sad. I roll my eyes. "Also, where have you been?"

"You don't want to know," I said. I put it up against the wall. I take my jacket off and put it down on a chair.

"Yes, I do," Kacy said.

"Shut up, girly," I said.

"Don't call me that. And what did you do to Preston?" Kacy asked.

"What are you talking about?" I asked not looking at her. I pretended to clean up all the art stuff. My face was turning red from frustration.

"Josh, told me he walked into their dorm room, crying and he curled up into a little ball and cried in a corner," Kacy said.

"He's just being a cry baby," I said.

"Ash, listen to yourself. He's your brother," Kacy said. I could see Vik and Mitch walking over to the door watching.

"So what? He's never been there in my life," I said.

"Does that matter. Siblings are supposed to help each other," Kacy shouted at me. "If you tell us what's happening then we can help. Maybe some of us have been through what you have and they'll understand."

"Shut up!" I snapped. "No one understands because no one is going through what I'm going through. And if you go involved, you wouldn't be able to breathe. Now stop saying things that I know won't help!! Kacy, you have to stay out of this!!"

"Why, Ash? Why?" Kacy screamed at me.

"Because everything I've done won't mean a thing, everything I've sacrificed would be for nothing," I said. "Because if anyone steps in, they wouldn't be here on earth alive! Go that?"

"Ash," Kacy said softly. She was going to put a hand on my arm, but I slapped it away.

"Don't touch me," I said.

"What are you talking about?" Kacy asked.

"Things you won't understand," I said. I grabbed my jacket.

"Ash, wait," Kacy said. I walked to the door. Kacy grabbed my arm.

"What do you not understand? If you leave me alone everyone will be fine, but if you keep talking to me no one will be fine," I said and pushes her hand away. "Kacy, just make it easier and don't talk to me ever. Pretend we never knew each other. We may be roommates, but we can't continue being friends, so don't talk to me."

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