To fast for you

15 4 0

You maybe wondering who are you and why are you running well.

I'm Sara but everyone calls me the runner I'm a rouge rouges are werewolf's without a pack. think of a lone wolf well that's me.

As for why I'm running well I'm just toying with this packs border patrols. apparently there is A bounty on my head. Maybe I'll hand myself in...nah

I turned back into human form and pulled my clothes on I put them at the bottom of a big oak tree when I first shifted. we aren't like the werewolf's in the movies where they magically have clothes on when they shift back. BTW Jacob was way better than Edward in that movie.(her choice nothing against Edward)

I was contemplating why Bella would ever want Edward as I climbed up the tree and onto a branch.

I was starting to think I lost the patrol when the bushes around me started to rustled. A guy with shorts stepped out with 3 werewolf's behind him growling.

"FINALLY where have you guys been I was starting to get board" I said with fake exhaustion.

"Come down from there rouge you are trespassing we are taking you to the alpha" he said with a scowl marring his features.

I sighed dramatically I brought my finger to my chin like I was thinking
"Let me think about that ... No I'm good"

He growled

I returned to my thoughts " I still don't get it!"

He looked at me confused and asked
"Still don't get what?"

"Why Bella chose Edward and not Jacob, I mean seriously he is hot runs around with no shirt and is just yummy"

He looked at me like I had lost my mind he opened his mouth to speak when I interrupted.

"Humans are so confusing I try to avoid them as much as possible but they are everywhere. If we did have a hunger games do you think that werewolf's and humans would be in it or just humans or just werewolf's... Oh I know they would have two. one for each species!"

I looked back at the man all the others had shifted back to. but I already new that on the contrary to what they thought I now about every move they make.

A tall man with red hair spoke "shut up and come down"

I ignored his comment but stared at him  " you remind me of Ron Wesley from Harry Potter"

He looked mad

"Do you own a rat like him to?"

"I am not Ron Wesley my name is Fred"

"Like Fred from Scooby doo?"

"No" by now he was red I was laughing inside

"Like Fred Flintstone?"


A guy put a hand on his shoulder and told him to calm down but he didn't

Oh I know witch Fred you are you are Fred Rogers from
mr. Rogers neighbourhood

He exploded shifting into a brown wolf
I smirked and jumped down shifting mid jump, racing off in the opposite direction. I was twice as fast as any wolf even some alphas.

I ran till I reached a small river. I drank as a wolf because I hate drinking from a river in human form, because let's face it it's not the easiest thing to do. I grabbed my backpack from the hollowed out stump I stashed it in.

Being a rough is hard at times but it has its perks. like I don't have a responsibility in the world and I can do what I want when I want with no one to tell me no. I don't have to be dependent on others. I hate when she wolves are cast below there mates.

Mates ughhhhh don't even get me started soul mates, fate no way I make my own fate.

I ran until i saw a small clearing in the distance, another thing about werewolf's is that we have heightened senses and faster reflexes.

I broke out of the trees and let go of my backpack and did a summersault, or close enough to one in wolf form.

Two hours later I was tired but happy after fooling around in my wolf form chasing rabbits, butterflies and jumping in the tall grasses I collapsed Down under a maple leaf tree. my white wolf jasmine loves to play and is a free spirit but she can also kick some serious ass.

I sometimes wondered what would have happened if my parents were not pieces of crap and I was still in a pack. I probably would have ended up a trophy wife to one of the worriers in my pack sexist pigs.

I love my life as it is and I would not change it for the world and with that I fell into a peaceful sleep.

Sorry this chapter was short but I promise it gets better
Thx lovelies 😘

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