opinions are like assholes everyone's got one

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opinions are like assholes everyone's got one majority of the time though some of them should be kept to themselves not everybody wants to hear the opinion especially if it's about the person whom you don't know and talking nasty about in your opinion anyways so you might want to think before you put your nasty opinion out about the person whom you are saying that to their face because that's how a lot of trouble starts especially amongst people you clue about them or their body or what the reasons are for what they do because of what has already happened to them in their own past including if they have ran away from home from the abusive adoptive parents and includes everyone especially the crooked cops in los Angeles county in California and in the city of los Angeles California for all the cops in los Angeles California and in los Angeles county are crooked cops and in the words from 2pac in the song called ghosts some say I'm crazy that these punk ass cops can't fade me

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