That Can't Be Good

Start from the beginning

"I had a feeling you were going to gate crash one of our dates." Doctor Watson laughed as he winked at Joey, so that's why she's here, she was with him when Katie called, she said something about her and Ethan on call at all times if i needed it.

"Yeah well, that's one of my special charms." I chuckled, and looked toward Matty, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, holding my hand firmly.

"How much loss do you think you've had?" he asked as he slipped on a pair of gloves, lucky his shirt has short sleeves, it looks very crisp and white.

"Enough to scare the shit out of me. like a heavy day on my period." I said, as Joey lifted up my dress, and helped removed my knickers, which I could see had a bit more blood on them. Matty was watching and squeezed my hand, while sucking in a sharp breath, when he noticed.

"Do you have any pain?" he asked, and then wiped over my vagina with a cloth, before inserting his fingers into my vagina, the other pushed on my belly, fuck, that's uncomfortable.

"Not really, but I have been getting really hard kicks down there, so if there is other pain, it's hard to tell." I said and winced as he pressed over the babies, then removed his hand. 

"Good news is that your cervix is still closed, but you could have placenta abruption, one of your placenta's may have partially seperated from your uterus, or it is from your low-lying plactenta, which would more likely be the cause." he said as he removed the blood stained gloves and moved over to wash his hands. Joey had moved up to me, to take my obs, god, I don't want another hospital stay, it's boring in here.

"Is that bad?" Matty asked, I haven't experienced this in any other pregnancy, so he's probably freaking out more than I am, which is quite a lot.

"It is, and where his placenta lies, is right there." he said pointing to just above my pubic line, where Nick is, they said at my last ultrasound that it was  adjacent to my cervix.

"It may have grown over your cervix, which is why you could be bleeding, so I'm going to get a scan done, and then get you admitted." he said, giving my knee a comforting squeeze as he wrote on my chart, beofre he left the room.

"I'm just staying in overnight, right?" I asked Joey as she finished taking my blood pressure, she's the baby expert here, I just take care of them after they are born.

"Do you want my honest opinion?" she said sitting down, just like Matty was, who has been too quiet for my liking, and just listening to everything that was said.

"Yes, of course I do." I huffed, I wouldn't have asked otherwise.

"We won't know until after your scan but he may make sure you're on complete bed rest, and that depends on your pv loss, if it doesn't stop, you maybe looking at an emergency caesarean in the next twenty four hours." she said softly, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, I felt Matty pull me into his arms and held me tightly. Nick and Bell are still too small to be born yet.

"It's going to be ok, Baby, relax and let's just wait until we hear more." he whispered softly in my ear and pulled me back then kissed me softly on my lips. I could see his eyes a little glassy but I knew he was trying to keep them in, so he doesn't make me worry about him too.

"Why does this have to happen now?" I said as I laid my head down gently on the pillow behind me.

"It happens more than you think Summer, it's just the way he was implanted in your uterus." Doctor Watson said as he walked back in. 

"Which is also why the pv loss you had at two weeks, that you thought was a period." he said as Joey moved out of the way and he took her place.

"This sucks." I whined, why can't my babies have a normal pregnancy, first Nick was sideways, Bell is breech and way smaller than her brother, now this.

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