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Like all rainy nights, Daniel Hanson sat in his chair. His computer was in front of him as always along with the freshly made coffee he made a few moments ago. He was a five foot eight middle-aged man no older than thirty with brown hair that had barely any gray. His bangs swept to the side and didn’t care which side it was swept; sometimes he would brush it to the left and sometimes to the right. Either way, his bangs always looked about perfect, not that anyone really cared for it. Besides his writing, people really only cared for his eyes which were bluish green that seem to know exactly what one was thinking. People called those eyes the “Truth Eyes”, not that Daniel himself knew.  He was a patient and calm man that would answer questions as well as end arguments with a gentle voice.

At the moment however, he was extremely frustrated.

Daniel groaned as he leaned back in his chair before straightened up again to stare at the blank document in front of him.

Nothing. He couldn’t think of anything.

He grunted and took a sip of his now warm coffee while murmuring cusses at Melissa, his editor.  He slumped back against his chair.

“Ah!” he cried out when an idea popped in his head before getting a disappointed groan. “No, that wouldn’t work. Damn that woman, who can even put out a book in less than five months?”

He was silent for a moment, knowing that he was lying. Some of his most admired authors could finish a book in about two months and have it edited in a few weeks before it was released to the public.

His fellow writer, Sam who worked with the same publishing company patted him on the back a few days back, saying that it was okay that he was a slow writer and that everyone had their own pace. He just responded when a hesitant nod of his head. He knew that, but he still wanted to get close to the level of the others. He only got lucky when his first two works were published; they were already something that had an end to it. It wasn’t like that this time.

Geez, Daniel. You are being too depressed, snap out of it, he thought to himself. All you need is some inspiration.

As soon as he thought that he heard a loud knock. He frowned and got up from his chair before peeking outside his window to see rain dropping rapidly and dripping down his window followed by a few more drops. It didn’t look like it was going to stop; the news even said that it was probably going to rain until afternoon tomorrow.

I wonder who would come when the weather is at this state. He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard more impatient knocking.

“Coming!” he called as he quickly put on his slippers and rushed downstairs. He looked through the peephole and squinted trying to see who was there. He could make out that the person was a man. He wasn’t able to see his face for it was hidden from him.

“Who is it?” he asked. He didn’t know who the man was, for all he knows he could have been an alien getting ready to replace him and send him somewhere else.

“Someone who has a wish before he dies,” the man said through the door after a moment. Daniel didn’t say anything.

“That is not answering my question,” he said finally. He closed the peephole and crossed his arms. “Who are you?”

This time the man on the other side didn’t hesitate.

“My name is Kaden and you don’t know me,” he answered. “I don’t know you either except you are the writer of Valley Glass and Dry Lilies. However we both have a friend in common who gave me your address.  Destiny Ross. Ring a bell?”

This Love of His (NaNoWriMo 2013)Where stories live. Discover now