The beginning

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In their first year they tried to keep the feud their family had wield. She spat fire while he froze with his insults. They never stopped with the insults but at some point they stopped meaning them. And eventually with the help of there friends they came to an agreement that they would try to tolerate each other, try being the key word. That didn't mean they had to get along it just meant they had to try not to fight. Now second year worked out practically the same but with their mutual best friends getting along better it made it harder to try to avoid each other. Now third was here and Rose would try.

Rose Weasley was walking to Potions with Karla Matson and Albus Potter. They had the class with Gryfinndors today which really wasn't a change of environment anyways. At least that meant she would be having class with Albus today. Albus was sorted in Gryfinndor with most of his family, even though he was almost put in Slytherin, but that didn't stop home from becoming best friends with Scorpious who was sorted into Ravenclaw along with herself. Ahh Scorpious Malfoy who existed just to annoy Rose Weasley, how they will survive living in the same house is a mystery to everyone. But Karla Matson is always there to calm her down. They were seated together at the great hall when they were sorted and since both were half bloods they had a noticeable amount of knowledge of muggle things. Though that may have sparked their friendship they grew together as the months went by and we're now best friends or atleast getting there. Then Albus sparked an interest in her and the two were non stop talking.

"Rose hello! Earth to Rose!"

Rose snapped out of her thinking and turned to her friend.

"Yes?" Rose rolled her eyes but smiled at the two.

"Just checking you didn't over heat before we go to class!"

"Whatcha thinking about? How you can't wait to see your boyfriend Scorpious?"
Albus said jokingly while ruffling her hair.
Karla lightly smacked Albus on the shoulder as she quietly told him off but didn't hide her smirk.

"Oh shut up both of you!" Her cheeks were red but in reality she couldn't wait to tell off Scorpious! Nothing like what Albus suggested, honestly the nerve!

"Aw Rosie we never meant to embarrass you!" Karla said sarcastically while walking into the classroom.

"Yeah,yeah. Sure." She muttered as she rolled her eyes.

She sat down in the third row with Karla in the first seat of the third row, leaving a space between them.

"What are you doing?"

"You'll see."

Soon Albus and Scorpious came into view carting their stuff.

"Albus over here!" Karla pointed to the seat between them.

Suddenly Rose had a headache.

Scorpious gave Albus a weird face and Albus shrugged while pointing to the seat next to Rose. He rolled his eyes but started to head over.

Rose turned around and put her head on the table/desk (If anyone knows a Better word for this leave a comment below:)

"I know my presence is hard to take in but you don't need to hide yourself." 

She slowly lifted her head and locked eyes with Scorpious.

"Why don't you just move? You know we'll end up potions partners, I'll just end up annoying you to death." Rose  said in hope he'll pick up his stuff and move as far as away as possible.

"And give up the chance annoy you too? Huh no."

"Fine then I'll just.."

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