First Day on the Job

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                    ~ the Next Day ~

'Today's the day', you thought as you were getting ready to go down to the Foster's Home to start you're first day of work.

You were very excited to go since you had became friends with a lot of people yesterday at the home.

But, there was also another reason why you were excited . You were gonna see Wilt again.

You see, yesterday when Wilt was giving you the tour of the whole place, you started developing a small crush on him cuz you thought that he was the most kindest person that you had ever met. Plus, he was a HUGE gentlemen cuz while you were on the tour with him, he would always open a door for you and tell you to go first since he knew that, that was the right thing to do and you would always start blushing a little bit then tell him thank you.

Just thinking about it now made you blush like crazy, but you knew you had no time for that since you were almost to the Foster Home.

               ~ at the Foster Home ~

Wilt was outside playing basketball, but while he was playing, he was thinking about you.

He couldn't wait to see you again since he had fallen head over heels in love with you the first time he saw you.

He knew that it was weird that he had fallen in love with a person he had just met, but he couldn't help it. When he first saw you, he thought that you were an angel and he loved everything about you. Your (H/L), (H/C) hair, your (E/C) eyes, your delicate face....your lips.

When he thought of that, he dropped his basketball and he started blushing like a mad man, then he decided that he had played enough for today and he went inside so he could get something to drink and maybe daydream a little bit more about a certain angel he knew, but then he heard the doorbell so he started making his way down to answer the door after he had got a bottle of water to drink.

                      ~ Your P.o.V. ~

I finally got to the Home and rang the door bell, I had to wait for a few seconds, but then somebody finally came to the door and I was shocked to see who was standing there at the door.

"Hey Wilt, how have you been?!", I asked as he saw that it was me and let me in so I could start working.

"Oh, hey! I've been doing good! I was just outside shooting some hoops, but then I got tired and came in to get something to drink. But, anyways how have you been? Have you been good too", he asked, as he was smiling at you with a warm and friendly smile.

"Yeah, I've been good! I made myself some (pancakes, bacon, eggs, waffles, etc.) this morning, so I'm completely full and ready to work!", you said to Wilt, very confidently.

"That's good! If you want, I could help you with some tasks, if that's ok with you.", he said, hoping that you would say ok.

"Wilt, you don't have to help me. I can d-", you were cut off by Wilt when he grabbed your right hand in his.

"But, (Y/n). I WANT to help you.", he said as he looked into your (E/C) eyes, still hoping that you would say ok.

You continued on looking at him straight in the eye, then you said.

"O..ok", you said, feeling flustered on the inside.

"Good, now let's get to work shall we"

Then you and Wilt went off doing all the tasks that Frankie had assigned to you, but you couldn't help but feel quite flustered about what Wilt had done and said to you.

'He's such a sweetheart..', you thought to yourself as you were folding clothes while Wilt ironed some.

'No wonder I have a crush on him'

(So, that was part 4 of my book! What do you guys think so far? Do you like it? Do you love it? Let me know in the comments and don't be afraid to ask me something cuz I'm willing to take requests. I hope you have a good day and I'll see you guys later. Peace! :D)

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