Getting the Grand Tour

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The next morning, you started making your way down to the Foster's Home.

In all honesty, you were really nervous because you kept thinking of 'what-if's' while you were walking down the street.

'What if they don't see me as a hard worker? What if they think of me as a freeloader?'


'What if they already have somebody for the job?!'

All these thoughts kept swimming around in your mind, but then you told yourself.

"The worst thing that they could say is no, plus I doubt they've had anyone come in yet to accept the job"


'I hope'

~Time Skip~

You finally got to the Foster's Home and if you could say one thing about, it would be that the house looked HUGE on the outside, which made you believe that there were probably a LOT of rooms in the house.

You walked up to the door and rung the doorbell. You waited for about ten seconds until a giant rabbit with fancy clothes, a top hat, and a monocle answered the door.

"Good day (sir/miss), welcome to the Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. How may I be in your assistance today?"

You had to stand there for a second to comprehend what he just said, then you finally started talking.

"Oh, well I came here to see if I could get the job"

Then you showed him the ad that was in the newspaper and his eyes widened.

"Oh, yes! We haven't had anybody come by to take this fine opportunity."

He said as he was going to this horn thing that was attached on a nearby wall.


He then waited a few seconds then yelled into the horn again.

"MS.FRANC-", he was cut off when a different voice came through.


The rabbit then turned to you and began talking to you again.

"Ok, she'll be down here momentarily so just wait here and if you must know, my name's Mr.Herriman and I am president of this fine establishment."

"Ok, well my names (Y/n), but you can call me (your nickname if you have one)."

"Ok, (Mr/Ms) (Y/n). I'll see you later"

Then he hopped off somewhere else, leaving you alone to look at your surroundings.

"This place is so BIG!"

"Yeah, we get that a lot", you heard and looked up to see a girl with red hair say.

"I'm Francis, but you can call me Frankie. Don't listen to what Peter Cotton-Butt has to say.", she said as she was making her way down the stairs to talk to you.

"Ok, I'm (Y/n), but most people just call me (your nickname)."

"Ok, so you're here to get the job?", you nodded your head, yes.

"Ok, right this way then"

You and Frankie then made you're way into a different room that looked like an office. But while you guys were making you're way down, you guys didn't know that there was a certain tall, red imaginary friend wearing black sneakers watching you guys. But in all honesty, he was mostly watching you and he had a slight blush to his cheeks.

'Wow', he thought to himself


"Beautiful", the imaginary friend said to himself breathlessly.

~Time Skip~

After you had your interview and you and Frankie talked a little bit more, she thought about giving you a decent tour of the place, since you were going to be getting the job.

"Ok, so Foster's was originally founded in-", she was cut off when a voice came through on a horn a different wall.

"FRANKIE, I NEED YOU TO HELP ME SORT OUT MY GORGEOUS CLOTHES", the snobby and rude voice said through the horn.

"But I'm busy right now!", Frankie said back to the voice.

"NOW FRANKIE!", the voice said VERY sternly.

"Ugh, I'm sorry (Y/n). Duty calls, I've gotta go help the 'Royal' pain, Duchess. But I'll get someone else to give you the tour. Hang on a sec", she went over to a horn then yelled into it.

"Wilt! Tour please!", you then watched begin to leave.

"Hey, I'll try to meet back up with you after the tour, ok?"

You looked at her then replied back to her.

"Ok, that'll be good"

"Ok, bye!", she then ran up the stairs to go help an imaginary friend, leaving you alone to look around at the room you were in.

'Wow..', you thought to yourself as you took a few steps around the room.

"I can't wait to start working here!", you yelled with joy as you did a little spin, causing your hair to fly up a little bit.

"Hey, I'm Wilt!"

You looked up to see a VERY tall and red Imaginary friend with the number 1 on his stomach and wearing long socks and black sneakers. He was smiling at you with a very big and friendly smile which you thought was both cute and adorable.

"Hi, I'm (Y/n), but you can call me (nickname) if you want", you said to the friendly, red giant that continued to smile at you.

"Ok, that's a beautiful name. Are you ready for the tour?", he asked you and you just responded by nodding your head, yes.

"Alright, let's go!"

And you both started walking around, but unbeknownst to you though. Wilt had a giant blush on his face and felt giddy like a school girl to finally get know you and hang out with you since he thought that you were the most beautiful person he'd ever seen.

'I can't wait for you to start working here, too.', he thought to himself as he took a quick glance to look at you.

(Well, here's chapter 3! What do you guys think of it so far? Are you guys hooked? Let me know in the comments and I'll see you guys later! Peace! :D)

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