Chapter Two

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  ~Time skip to when Team Baki gets to the Hidden Leaf Village~
        Once Baki finally stopped talking to two guards at the gate, we walked into the Hidden Leaf Village. I'm honestly pooped. Baki and Kankuro were so scared that we were going to be late to the exams that they made us only sleep for 5 hours in total! Although we got here in two and a half days, I don't think it was worth spending a lot of energy on the trip here.
        "You four can go look around, and memorize the area. I have to go to the Hokage, and let him know we're here. And too see were the exams are and start," Baki said, and walked off. Kankuro and Temari walked ahead of me and Gaara, talking about what they think is going to happen in the Chunin Exams. I started to walk to catch up to the two siblings, until I felt a ruff hand around my forearm.
        Is someone attacking me? What did I do I just got here? I quickly turned around to face my 'attacker', and when I did I saw Gaara holding my arm with a slight blush. He was looking down towards his feet, like the dirt below him was so incredible.
        He looked very hesitant, and opened his mouth to say, "Do you maybe want to walk around with me for a while. Eh you don't have to if you don't want to."
        "I-I'd love to," I said as loudly as I could, witch wasn't very loud.
        His hand slowly dropped next to mine and he interlocked our fingers together. Both of us had very bright blushes on our faces, but I didn't care. My heart was beating so loudly I'm sure Gaara could hear it, but if he did he didn't pay any attention to it.
        We walked at a slow leisurely pace, until we heard someone yell, "That hurt, snotface!" I looked over to Gaara with a questionable look. Was that Kankuro?
        I let go of Gaara's hand, and I was about to run towards where Kankuro was, but Gaara grabbed my hand and said, "Wait. Let's watch what happens," I nodded my head and he held my hand tighter and used a sand justsu to teleport us up to a tree. He let go of my hand and started to put chakra to his feet, and hung upside down to get a better look of what's going on. I squinted my eyes to try to see better through the thick layer of leaves in front of me. I noticed that Kankuro was holding a little kid up with a bright blue scarf up, and Temari was just standing there. There were also six other people here, but one with a duck's ass as a haircut was on the other side of the tree we're on, while the other five where down by Kankuro and Temari. There was this blond boy in an orange outfit, and a pink headed girl sweating saying something along the lines of, "This was my fault."
        I didn't have time to look at the other three that were there because the blond started yelling at Kankuro, "Put him down, you big ape!" I tried not to laugh at his statement. He was pretty big after all! I couldn't contain the huge smile coming onto my face.
        But my smile was quickly whipped off when Kankuro said(with a smile might I add), "I just want to play with him for a while.. While we're waiting for Akita and the Nuisance to get here," How dare he say that about Gaara! I was about to jump down and smack his smirk off his face until Gaara put his arm up to single me not to move.
        The blond from before started to run towards Kankuro and yelled, "YOU!" But before said blond could do anything Kankuro used his chakra strings, and made his trip.
        "What a wimp," Kankuro said, "Is that the best Konoha's genin can do?" Suddenly the duck-butt-boy threw at rock at Kankuro's hand, making him drop the child.
        The duck-butt-boy then said, "Tell me.. What are you guys doing in our village?"
        The pick haired girl then yelled, more like squealed like a pig, "It's Sasuke!" while the blond just grumbled, "So?"
        Kankuro gripped his hand tightly as he said, "Oh, look. Another little brat," and the duck-butt-boy,also known as Sasuke, simply said, "Get lost,"
        As the other girls were squealing at duck-butt's 'amazingness', the kid was crying to the blond, Kankuro said, "Come down, little squirrel... You think you're pretty smart don't you?" He reached his right arm to the crow and yanked it off his back.
        "Tell me you're not planning to use the 'Crow'!" Temari yelled with large eyes. Kankuro wasn't thinking straight! If he hurt or even killed anyone before the exams we'd be kicked out, and we would fail out mission! I have to stop him before he does anything else reckless.
        As Gaara yelled, "Kankuro! Don't!" I jumped off the tree and grabbed the Crow out of the puppet master's hands, but as a reflex Kankuro used his chakra strings to trip me. I couldn't catch myself so I ended up landing face first into the concrete. I felt the blood dripping down my elbows and face, and quietly whimpered. That really fucking hurt! I turned my face over only to see the sand siblings shocked faces, but Gaara looked way more pissed than shocked. He quickly jumped off the branch he was on and sucker punched Kankuro in the face making him land next to me on his side. Gaara then raised his hand as sand started flowing out of his gourd and towards Kankuro.
        "Gaara! Please stop!" I tried to tell, but as always I was too quiet. So I only did the thing I could do. I jumped up and hugged him in order to distract him while Temari picked up Kankuro off the ground and gave him the stank eye. I let go of Gaara, but kept my hands on his shoulders. I slightly winced at the pain from straightening out my scuffed up elbows, but I gave Gaara a closed eye smiled in hopes to make him calm down. Once I opened my eyes I just saw him staring at me with an expressionless face.
        "Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded my head to show that I'm fine, but in all honesty these scrapes hurt like all hell.
        "Alright then. Lets go get you cleaned up," Gaara said then interlocked our fingers together, and walking away from everyone with Kankuro and Temari following.
        "Wait!" A girl voice called out. We all turned around to see that the pinkie walked a few steps towards us as.
        Gaara just muttered out a 'yes' to acknowledge the pinkie.
        "According to your headbands, you four come from the Village Hidden in the Sand. State your business! We can't just let you go your merry way," the pink headed girl said. I started to get a good look at her. She had a red Komodo on with green shorts underneath, and blue ninja shoes. Then I look to the other girl to her right that I haven't gotten to look at yet, and suddenly it was like I was hypnotized. I stared into her pink orb and she looked into my pink orbs. Her right eye is closed and has scars running down it. She was wearing a white crop top, with a short black sleeveless jacket on top, and she had on black pants with a belt over it. Her eyes are the same exact color as mine and so is her hair, but the only difference with her hair is that her roots are bright blue and the tips are black. I heard Temari and the blond's voices in the background, but I couldn't understand them. I felt myself moving slowly towards her, but I'm not telling my body to move. Her body is also moving towards me, and she seems to be in the same trance as me. When we eventually meet each other I stick my left hand towards her face as she sticks her right hand towards mine. I felt like I know her, but I can't seem to remember where I've meet her. Our hands finally touch each other faces, and it suddenly clicked with me.
​​​​​​​        She's my sister.
        I think she reached the same conclusion as her eye widened.
        I moved my hand away from her face and asked, "What's your name?" Whoa whoa whoa!!! I talked normally! Not in a whisper, but normally! What the hell is going on! 
        "My name is Akira. What's yours?" My sister, Akira answered.
        "My name's Akita..." I couldn't believe that she's my sister. It doesn't take a sciencetist to figure that out. We look exactly the same, minus the clothes, scars, and hair of course.
        The blond loudmouth started flipping out and yelled, "Hey, HEy, HEY!!! What's going on here!!! Why do you two look alike?!?!" The blond looked like he was going to say more until the pinkie interrupted him.
        "NARUTO! Quit acting like a child. They obviously don't know themselves, otherwise they wouldn't be acting that way!" The blond, who I now know is Naruto, mumbled a 'sorry' to the pinkie.
        "Hey, Akita, mind introducing me to your little friend over there?" Kankuro asked sweatly.
        "No thank you. I don't want to be associated with hairy apes like you," Akira stated simply. I bursted out laughing. Kankuro's face went pale, and his expression was priceless! I doubled over from laughing so hard I felt tears streaming down my face. This was all too good. I looked back up to see the siblings sweat dropping.  
        Once I finally calmed down everyone was staring at us, hoping to get some answers. Although I'd like to get some answer's too. My face turned into a serious look as I turned my head over to look at Akira straight in the eyes.
        "Who are our parents? Where are we from? Are we twins are just siblings? Why did our parents leave me out in a desert? Do you have the Yang of the demon, Siddun? Who sealed Siddun inside us? What does Siddun look li-"         "Okay, okay! Calm down! I'll answer all the questions I know the answers to. I have no clue who are parents are. I was told that I was born in the Village Hidden in the Mist. By the looks of it we're twins, although I don't know how old you are. I'm 13. I have no idea why you were out in the desert. Yes I do, so I assume you have the Yin of Siddun. Our father sealed Siddun in us. And he's supposedly a black and blue Dragon," Akira finished.
        Wait, what!?! Our father did this to us!?! What kind of father does that! All of the villagers would always be afraid of me and they would never give me a chance. Whenever I tried to make friends they would all just be scared and run away. The only reason why Kankuro and Temari are nice to me is because I don't threaten to kill them all the time like Gaara does, and they've grown on me and see me as a little sister. 
        "That rat bastered! How dare he!" I yelled out of pure frustration and anger. I just can not believe he would do this to his daughters!
        Akira reached her hand out to put on my shoulder as a way to comfort me, but I slapped it away. I don't need your pity. I don't need anyone's pity. I could just feel my anger building up. How. Dare. He. 
        I swiftly turned around and walked away. I walked pass the sand siblings, and didn't even give them a second look. Before I could take a left towards the Hokage's building Akira spoke up.
        "Aren't you going to stay and talk. We've just meet each other, and I think it would be wise to figure things out."
        I snapped back at her and said, "I don't need to figure anything out. You've told me what I wanted to know, and that's all I need from you," I continued walking towards the Hokage building until I felt a soft hand on my shoulder. Thinking it was Akira, I quickly turned my head around and got my hand clenched about to punch her. But it was just Temari giving me an apologetic smile.
        I smiled back at her and said, "I'm fine don't worry about me," Temari has always been my older sister in a way. She helped take care of me when I was younger and I guess she just grew to love me over the years just as I had grown to love her and Kankuro(loving them like siblings, guys -.-). So I can't stay mad when they're here for me. I looked over towards Kankuro and Gaara. Kankuro's face paint was smeared where Gaara hit him, and was starting to turn slightly purple. Gaara was just standing there with an expressionless face. I wonder what he's thinking. Is he still mad from earlier? I just mentally shook my head and left the questions for another time.
        After a few more turns we finally made it to the Hokage building. I didn't see Baki anywhere, so I assumed he's still talking to the Hokage. We might as well meet up with him. I walked up to the double doors and I was about to opened them until someone else did. A guy with two red triangle down his face opened up the doors, as his small white dog was walking next to him.
        Right when he saw me he gave me a toothy grin and said, "Hey, I haven't seen you before. What cha doin here?" He started to wiggle his eyebrows a bit, and I blushed. What? He's pretty hot to be honest, and yes I know there's something going on between me and Gaara, but that doesn't mean I still can't appreciate the menu.
        "I'm Akita, nice to meet you. I'm from Suna, and we're here for the Chunin Exams," I said sweetly with a cute smile.
        He just smiled back and said excitedly, "Hey I get to be in the Chunin Exams too! Hopefully we won't have to fight each other, I wouldn't want to hurt your pretty face,"
        "Yeah, hopefully we won't, 'coz then you would have a bad time," I chuckled.
        "Yeah we'll have to see about that. I gotta go meet up with some friends, maybe next time you can come hang out with us," 
        My eyes instantly lit up, "Yeah I'd love to hang out! And I still haven't caught your name yet,"
        "The name's Kiba," Just as he introduced himself Baki walked up with a scowl on his face.
        "Just what do you think you're doing, Akita?" Baki said with a frightening tone.
        "S-sensei!" I yelled. Oh I'm in deep crap now. I have no idea what I did wrong, but boy does he look pissed.
        "Let's go," Sensei stated. I turned around, and waved to Kiba. I followed Baki for a good minute or so until I felt someone staring at me. Temari and Kankuro are in front of me so it must be Gaara. I turned around to see Gaara kinda glaring at me. Ohhhh crap! Did I make him mad??? I slowed down my pace until I was walking next to him. I gave him a questionable look. No response. Okay ermmm... If I hold his hand would he do something? I reached over to grab his hand, and squeezed it. He sighed and mumbled an apology. He squeezed my hand and gave me a really small smile.
        We finally made it to the hotel, and Baki told us that we all had our own room. Temari's rooms was 134, mine was 135, Gaara's 136, Baki's 137, and Kankuro's was 133. I stepped into my room (just without the T.V.) and looked around. It was a nice small room with a huge bed. The window was very large too, thankfully. I took off my ninja shoes, swords, and took out a scroll. I rolled out the scroll over my bed and did a hand sign. My extra clothes layed all over the bed with a 'poof' sound. I looked around the bed to see what I wanted to wear. I picked up my black and white p.j's and undies and walked into the bathroom connected to my room. I stripped down, walked into the shower, ans started singing a song called (The upcoming link is to YouTube! The song is by one of my favorite singers Social Repose!) If You're Thinking of Leaving, You Should. I heard one old lady with dark brown-greyish hair sing it.
~Small time skip brought to you by Gaara's cute smiles!~
        I stepped out of the shower, and dried off. I slipped my clothing on, and wrapped my towel around my hair so it can dry my hair. I walked back into my room and sealed the rest of my clothes back into my scroll and laid down. I turned around to looked through my window. I hadn't realize that it was so late. It was pitch black outside. It turned to my other side and saw a little note on my side table. That wasn't there before. I groggily reached my hand over to grab the note, and then squinted my eyes to see the words better.
        Dear Akita, I'm sorry that I lost my cool earlier today, I want to make it up to you. Meet me by the flower shop we walked by.
        That's weird, he's never written me a letter before. What's he going to do? Buy me flowers?
        I put my note back onto the sidetable and laid my on my stomach. I put my arms underneath my pillow, closed my eyes, and fell asleep.
        I appeared in a huge dark room that'd filled with water that goes to my knees. There was also a loud beating sound. Like someone was constantly beating a drum. Not wanting to stay in the water, I put chakra to my hands, knees, and feet to try to get out. I bent down closer to the water, and put my hands on its surface. Pushing down on my hands, I lifted my right leg up and leaned on my knee and toes. I did the same thing with my other leg, and stood up. I stood there for a few moments waiting for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. Once they did I noticed huge bars on one side of the room with a small piece of parchment on it. I couldn't make out what it says though. Wondering what's behind the bars I start to walk closer to it. Having a better look at what's behind the bars a saw a Dragon with cold black eyes staring straight at me. I jumped back a little with wide eyes. There's dragons? I though those were just a myth! What in the world?
        "My name is Siddun. I'm sure you've heard it before, Akita," a dark low voice came out. My eyes grow even bigger than before. Siddun is a dragon? Wait if he's here then that mean I can figure out a way to unleash him for the Chunin Exams!
        "Mr. Siddun, sir, is there anyway I could use your power to destroy the Leaf Village during the Chunin Exams? Please! I need to, or else I think the Kazekage would kill me!" I yelled desperately.
        "Use my powers, eh? Well you'll have to show me that you're worthy of using my powers. Look me in the eyes," Siddun said.
        Without any hesitation I looked at him straight in the eyes, and suddenly he yelled ," Chekugan!" And I was teleported to a black field. There was grass and flowers everywhere but they are all black. I started to walk around trying to find an exit until I felt something sharp pierce into my back. I screamed like I was being murdered. The pain was unreal! The cold metal of what I assume is a blade quickly pulled out of my back as I screamed again. I turned around to see Kankuro using the Crow. The Crow had multiple blades sticking out of it. One blade was covered in blood. My eyes widen in fear. I didn't have anything to protect myself with. What's happened to Kankuro? He's not acting like himself. He would never attack me. Kankuro creepily smiled and moved his hands so Crow could attack me again. I quickly dogged the attack, and dogged his attack again. He was about to attack me again until a suddeen burst of wind came out of no where and knocked me and the Crow to the ground. I looked up to see Temari  standing a few yards away with her fan opened to three moons.
        "Temari! Thank God you're here! Somethings wrong with Kankuro he tried to kill me with the Crow!" I yelled, relieved that she's here. I look over to where Kankuro should be, but he's not there and neither is the Crow.
        Temari lifted up her fan again to attack. She's after me too? What'd I do? Panicking, I stood up trying to run away. Another gust of wind appeared and knocked me over. Groaning I sit up and grabbed my throabing side. I look up to see Temari staring at me with the same creepy grin Kankuro had.
        "T-Temari, please don't do this. We can talk about this," I whispered desperately. She raised her fan up about to give the final blow until a sand wall abruptly shot up in front of me. Turning around I saw Gaara standing there.
        With thankful years streaming down my eyes I said, " Gaara, you're here. Thank you. I don't know what's going on. Temari and Kankuro were trying to kill me. I think they're under a genjutsu,"  I felt sand creeping up my body. I looked down to see sand covering my body. As it started to grow past my chest I yelled, "Gaara what are you doing?!?! Stop! Please!"
        I looked up to him and saw hiss hand up commanding the sand to cover my body. I couldn't even move. Right when the sand covered my face I heard him say, "Sand Coffin,"

        "Akita please wake up!" Gaara yelled. My eyes shot opened, and I sat up. I felt my hair and clothes cling to my sweaty body. I looked around me to see that I was just in my hotel room with the siblings standing next to my bed with worried expressions, and Gaara was holding my shoulders. Feeling tears threatening to fall out, I jumped towards Gaara and burried my face into the crook of his neck. He almost instantly wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug.
        "We should let them be. Lets go Kankuro,"  Temari told Kankuro. Hearing the door open and shut, I slowly removed my head from the crook of his neck and whipped my eyes.
        "Are you okay? You were screaming bloody murder," Gaara said sounding genuinely concerned.

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