Meeting Jason Todd

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//; Random writing- does not actually happen. Set a few days after Red Hood's new life. Just seeing if I can write well ;-;

"Reminder: this is Bat's place, do not get noticed." He mumbled to himself as we walked along in the dirty sewers of Gotham.

How did he get there you ask? The guardians suspect there's something dangerous going on down there. He turned a left before being bombarded by bullets, out of reflex, he willed a protective forcefield around himself. The bullets seized.

"Who are you?" A young, but matured voice questioned.

"Could say the same for you," Hal shot back shortly, pulling off the forcefield.

"Call me Red Hood." He snapped "Now, who are you?" He said louder.

"Green Lantern- no, not superman. I'm a friend of the amazing batman, blah, blah, blah." He said miserably

The figure emerged from the shadows. He wore a red mask and leather jacket.

"Where is Batman?" He asked.

"I dunno," Hal chewed on his gum "I hate that guy."

"Likewise. C-can you tell me about him?"

"Yeah, sure. He's got like four robins, one left, second died, third...I don't care, fourth is his biological son." He explained lamely.

"So he replaced me." He spit on the ground. "No worries, Gotham will suffer."

"Huh? Replaced you?" Hal questioned, following red hood, who was now walking ahead.

He stared at Hal a moment...

"My name is Jason Todd," he clarified removing the mask "I was the second Robin, the dead one."

Hal froze "Oh- oh my god. Dude, the Bats been looking for you everywhere!"

"Apparently not, considering he replaced me!" Jason yelled.

"Jason, it's not like that...He had to, he would have gone insane!" He shouted back desperately, "Listen, I hate the bat, okay? But I know, I know, he's a great man inside-"

"Don't. Just don't. Why is the joker still alive?tell me!"

Hal couldn't say anything. He wasn't batman, he couldn't explain to him about the moral. Red Hood continued to walk, and Hal followed closely behind.

"Why are you following me?"

"I can do anything." Jason glared "Literally."

"Except shut up, apparently," Jason remarked.

"Hey- that's what Bruce said! You're so alike." Hal chuckled.

Jason threw him up against a wall.

"I'm not Bruce!" He said frustratedly. "So shut your mouth, nightlight."

"That's what Bruce-"

"Shut up!" Jason yelled again.

"Bruce always says tha-"

"You're so irritating, you idiot!"

"He also say-"

"I will kill you." He threatened.

"Okay, okay, I'm just messing with you.." Hal explained cautiously, chuckling. "How'd Bats even meet you?" He said changing the subject.

"I stole a wheel from the Batmobile."

"Did the joker get away?" Hal joked.

Jason chuckled. That chuckle grew to a laugh.

Not just any laugh.

A genuine laugh.

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