When you both finally calmed down, you were just sitting there, heartbeats falling slowly in sync with the other's. That was the only sound echoing off the stone walls enclosed around the both of you.

You opened your mouth to say something, then thought better of it and closed it again. You were not sure how to react, exactly. It could have been your fault, why hadn't you expected this? Well, you did, but decided to push it to the depths of your mind. Right next to those old dusty memories of times long since passed. Just now you had to dig it back up, trying not to break the fragile glass it was buried beneath.

"Don't go, please," He added in a hasty voice,

"I'm not going anywhere," Calm as ever, you pushed him backwards, enough that you could see the ashy gray outline of him in the dim darkness. Of course there was no natural light source, it was the Slytherin Dungeon, after all, an under ground place and the lights just weren't on at the moment. You reached over the rim of the bed with your foot and picked up the wand between your toes, which earned you a skeptical look from Draco.

"Oh, you've done it too, I guarantee," You huffed, whispering 'lumos' quietly waving the wand in a circular motion. You then set it on the table next to the candle again, with the warm tip hanging off the edge and angled just enough that it cast the ghostly blue glow over the over the two of you

Scooting back into the position to his side, you took the pads of your thumbs and ran them beneath his eyes, wiping away the last of the tears that lay there. "Draco," You said very quietly, unsure of yourself, "I- don't- I'm not-" A frustrated grunt followed while you tried to un-hook one word from the other and piece together a proper sentence.


"No, just quiet," Silencing him quickly, you continued to think on what to say. It was obvious you had no ideas of what to say, so you tried to express what you were trying to say.

Moving forward you draped your arms over his shoulders and pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek. He replied with a hushed murmur of apologies and thanks.

"It's al- not alright, Draco, really it's not," whispering softly against his skin, you released him. Draco stared at you, only a dark silhouette against artificial teal light. He turned away, head hung, and slid off the edge of the bed. You weren't sure what to say, maybe the best thing was silence. Delicate as glass it was, so you just had to break it when he made his way towards the door.

"Wait, stay," Pleading in an almost helpless voice, you reached out, managing to hook your fingers around the crook of his elbow and tug him back towards you.

He turned slowly, spinning on sock clad feet and a plush rug and stumble towards you. He let out a sigh of relief, at least he hadn't tripped and broken something in the murky blackness. Draco stood straight again, like nothing happened.

"What?" He asked, puzzled, you could almost see his expression, a half frown on his face. It almost made you smile a bit when you replied,
"Stay here tonight, with me,"
"Are you sure? W-what about Eve and-"

You let out a guttural sound of annoyance, "Oh, like you'd care, like I care," and you leaned up and pecked his lips before he could say anything else. He swiped out towards where you had been, as if to hold you there, close up against him.

"Is this your way of asking to sleep with me?" He was grinning in a feeble representation of his old self, flashing you a wink that made your face set itself on fire. Good thing the light didn't give your face too much color. It wasn't helping that the darkness, surrounding him, with just enough light to give him unearthly shimmer, made him all the more sexy.

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