No, it's Charlie Sheen

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You can many make plans, but the lord's purpose will prevail
~ Proverbs 19: 21

Ugh, so here's the thing. I'm not a great person, I've got problems just like anyone else. I'm a single, 23 year old, English Major, with a pen and a dream. Now and then my friend Anette will set up a blind date, and every time she does I'm stuck in the same position.

They never show up on time. I'm always stuck waiting at the table and telling the waiter(ess) that I'm still waiting for someone. And then they 'forget' their wallet and I pay. Because she always fucking sets us up at dinner. Tonight it's with this guy named Clark. Apparently he's in her History Class and he saw me around campus. I told Anette no the first time, but she said he was cute so we'll see.

I stared at her in the mirror. She tried to finish my make up by putting lipstick on me. "Does it have to be that color?" I groaned.

"You're such a child, Harper Rose." She laughed. This was the first time we were going ice skating first.

"You're such a mom, Anette Baxter." I reached out to poke her nose. She swatted it away quicker than a rabbit on crack. Anette was the cutest little southern belle I knew.

"Ah! You're gonna smudge it, stupid." She smacked the side of my head. Unfortunately for me, Anette Baxter was the only nice southern belle in Georgia tech. A lot of them were kiss-ass God loving bitches. But of all of the kiss-ass bible bitches, Savanna Louis was the most judgmental. In all honesty it was funny.

"Shh! The date isn't that important." I shook my head as she glared at me.

"DO YOU WANT TO DIE ALONE!?" She shouted at me. I chuckled and nodded.
"You're done you ditz! Know I'm gonna pray for your date to go well." She smiled pushing me towards the door and shoving my purse at me.

"I'd pray too. But I don't know if I'd mean much to God , coming from an ATHEIST!" I shouted through the slammed door. I'm actually getting picked up this time. I opened the door again. "Brat!" Then slammed it shut.

I don't know why I didn't just go back inside. Instead, I went to the front of the building and sat in the steps to wait for him. I started getting a little bored, so I made a little song. "Clark, Clark, it's getting really dark. Clark, Clark, going on a date to the park. not. Oh Clarky where are you, for I need to take a p-" I heard a chuckled from the street. And applause. "-oo."

"You are very entertaining." The guy smiled, "and I think you're looking for this Clark. Anette's friend?"

"Sí, duderino. Harper Rose, how's it going?" I stuck out my hand to shake. Ok, so it's true guys don't find this charming. Put the hand down, Harper. Before you hurt yourself.

"Clark Daniels, it's going great now. I've wanted to talk to you for awhile now, but I'm a little shy." Clark laughed nervously. Awe! He's so cute.

Clark Daniels, shy guy extraordinaire. Sweetest thing I ever did see. He wore a blue button down with the sleeves rolled up three quarters. Medium build, sort of tall. Maybe like 6'1? Blonde disheveled hair, and cute black framed glasses too big for his face. It was almost charming. "Oh honey, can I fix your hair?"

"Ahaha, yeah I guess. Sorry, I mess up my hair when I'm nervous." Endearing. I stuck my hands in his hair to smooth it out. But I was on my tip toes and he was leaning down still. "Ahhh, you're face is really close," he did that cute little nervous laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2016 ⏰

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