"That'll be great as I'm not quite sure where I'm going.

"Okay." Slipping in behind the wheel I insert the keys in the ignition and pull out the drive way. Derek closely following behind.

When we arrived at the new house I climbed out the car and walked over to the van.

"Do you guys fancy a coffee before you start unloading?" I offered.

"A coffee sounds great right about now." Derek replied checking his watch to see if he had the time. I assumed that he did.

"Come on then. I'd offer you a bite to eat but I'm afraid I don't have anything."

"That's alright love. Coffee will do great." I unlocked the door and head for the kitchen.

"Holy cow, this place is insane." Ben gasped as he stepped into the foyer.

"Isn't it beautiful?" I grin taking in the sight of my new home.

"Isn't it just!"

"It looked nothing like this four weeks ago when I signed the lease. It's my grandmother house, she sadly passed recently and left it to me and her taste was last century so brought it into this century, this decade even."

"It's something alright, but what is a beautiful girl like you going to do all alone in a house like this?" Ben asked following me to the kitchen.

"Who said I'll be here alone?" I retorted,

"Oh so is your boyfriend moving in with you?"

"Maybe!" I laughed as a look of disapointment washed over his face. "I'm just jesting, I don't have a boyfriend. You do have a point though, maybe I should look into renting a room or two." I plugged the coffee pot in and filled it up switching it on. "Coffee will be a moment." I headed to the lounge where Derek sat looking around. "How do you like your coffee?" I asked him.

"Black with two sugar please."

"Ben how about you?"

"White with one sugar please. I'll come give you a hand." Ben replied and Derek gave a little laugh.

"You're such a gentleman." I smiled.

Coffee break over The guys started to bring the boxes in and piled them in the lounge per my request.

Once they were done I thanked them for all their hard work and as he was heading to the van I called Ben to come back. When he approached I handed him a slip of paper.

"Call me." I smile. His face lit up like it was christmas morning and he got the present he had been asking for all year which made me laugh.

"Come on boy, we have another job to do this afternoon." Derek called from the van.

"I'll call you." Ben grinned hurrying to the van.

Two hours later and I was on my last few boxes but for the life of me couldn't muster up the energy to do them so I gathered all the empty boxes and packing wrap shoving them in the celler for now and grabbed my phone. I was starving. I called my usual the new hong kong and I got Glenn on the phone.

"Hello new hong kong, how may I help you."

"Hey Glenn it's Amber. Can I get my usual please."

"Amber hey, usual coming up. Anything else for you this evening?"

"No that's all, oh but I'm at a new address."

"Okay hold on I'll grab a pen and paper..... Right what's the new address?"

"2330 Rovello Drive"

"Right it'll be the usual 35-40 minutes."

"Thanks Glenn, bye." I signed off and wandered into the kitchen poured myself a glass of wine and headed outside into the back yard which was so beautiful. From the french doors a cobble stone path led up to the cente of the garden where a large champagne bottle water fountain was surrounded by lavenders and the path then continued onto an outdoor seating area that was simply beautiful. (SEE PIC)

I took a seat and exhaled deeply this really was breathtaking especially since it was all light up as the sun had not long set.

A noise to my left startled me and I looked over to see my new neighbor taking the trash out.

"Oh hello, sorry I didn't mean to bother you." She said walking over to the fence.

"Hey no, not at all."

"Oh sorry how rude, I'm Danneel." She stretched out her hand I walked over to the fence and accepted.

"Amber, It's a pleasure to meet you."

"You too, Welcome to the neighborhood."

"Thanks. Hey um, I have more of this in the house If you fancy joining me?" I offered referring to the wine in my hand.

"You know what I really would."

Danneel and I sat talking until the food arrived. She told me that she and her husband Jensen were actors she tried telling me about a show her husband is in called supernatural, but I admitted with two jobs TV was something I rarely got round to watching, but after telling me about the show I had to admit it sounded awesome. I must find time to check it out.

When the food arrived Danneel was about to leave but I invited her to share and she accepted. During dinner she asked me about myself.

"Well there isn't much to tell really. As I said I work two jobs. During the week I work in the clothing store monsoon and then weekends I tend the bar at the club Busbys down town. I barely have time for much else. My life is far from glamorous, not like I bet your is."

"You know being famous isn't glamarous like everyone thinks. It's a tough life. I mean nothing is private, you have to be careful who you let into your circle of friends. And acting isn't a picnic. I mean I see my husband a few month out the year as either he's working or I am. I mean right now he's shooting supernatural and comes back next Friday but I leave on the Wednesday to start shooting. It's hard on your relationship and if your marriage isn't rock solid you will be in trouble. Why do you think so many celebrity marriages break down?"

"That does sound hard and when you put it that way it doesn't sound glamorous at all."

"Don't get me wrong it has perks and those perks help my husband and I make the most of each time we do spend together. Sometimes I wonder if its all worth it."

"Sounds rough." She nodded.

"Anyway back to you. I see a guitar in the corner there, you a musician?"

"Only as a hobby. I'm don't want fame or anything, but I love playing and I often get to play at work when they have a spot to fill and that is fun."

"You'll get on with Jensen he loves singing and playing guitar. Maybe you could jam sometime."

"That would be awesome."

Fatal Attraction (Jensen Ackles Romance) COMPLETETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang