I'm still looking at him when he looks at me again. Somewhere in his little story he looked away to stare at my floor, maybe just being too nervous to make eye contact. When he did look up again, his eyes were full of hope and wonder. Looking into those big, blue, innocent eyes, I couldn't do anything but... laugh.

I just started giggling and after that it went to laughter. I really couldn't help it, I couldn't stop myself. I just found it so weird, funny and I don't know what else I was supposed to think.

Luke however was looking very confused at my laughter and slowly but surely a hurt expression was showing on his face. As soon as I saw, I stopped myself from laughing and slapped my hand over my mouth, looking a little shocked.

"I think I get it... I'll just go now, maybe I'll see you later? Or not..." Luke started to get up and head out of my room, but I jumped up and grabbed him by his arm.

"No! Don't! I'm sorry, it's just... I didn't really expected this and I just can't believe that you were so nervous to tell me this." I pull him back to my bed and sit on it next to Luke. "You know, I get that you were nervous to tell something like this, but I have no idea what you were scared of. Have you ever heard of a mutual feeling?" I ask him.

He looks at me for a while with a very confused face before it begins to click. "Are you saying that you like me too? Do you like me back? Really?" His eyes grow and his whole face lights up.

"God Luke, I knew you could be a little oblivious, but I didn't know it was this bad." I laugh. "Yes, I like you back. I've liked you ever since we met." I tell him. 'I mean, you did look like a blonde blue-eyed god after all...' I think to myself.

"Thank you?" Luke asks. "Does that mean that makes you my goddess?" He asks with a smirk plastered on his face.

I shove him and giggle before putting my hand over my mouth. 'I've got to stop thinking out loud.' I mumble to myself. "But yes, if you want me to be your goddess, I'll happily accept."

"Really? Are you serious right now?" He asks, grabbing my hands. I just nod excitedly at him and after that even his eyes are smiling as happily as ever. He throws his arms around me and we hug for about a minute before he suddenly lets go. "I have to take you on a date! Oh my God, where am I going to take you? I don't want to disappoint you or anything, it has to be perfect. Do you like or dislike surprises?"

I laugh slightly at him and shake my head fondly. "I don't care, I'm a very easy person. I would seriously like everything. Except for jumping out of a plane or off a cliff or something, I'm sure I'll like it." I tell him.

"Yeah, but I don't want you like it, I need you to love it. It needs to be absolutely perfect, for the both of us." He says, looking deeply into my eyes.

"You know what? I have an idea." I tell him. "Let's just plan it together. We can add different ideas , talk it through and such. If we're both honest we can plan something together that we'll both love. Is that okay?"

Luke sighs in relief and nods. He takes me by surprise by quickly pecking me on the cheek and smiling shyly at me. "It will be perfect."


"Why is this not working?" Luke asks frustrated and he throws himself backwards on my bed.

"Relax Luke, it is working. You just need to be a little more patient. We might just need some more ideas. All we've got now is going out for coffee, dinner, movies, the arcade or swimming. If you ask me, those are a bit cliché. I love cliché, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't have to be that cliché." I sit next to him and begin to rub his upper arm slowly, trying to calm him.

Guyfriends ~ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now