Well, I thought a bit, but my aching chin says otherwise. She grabs her head and we find out she bumped her head against my chin. "Ow, why did you do that? I get scared way too easily..." She grumbled, faking annoyance.

"I'm not sorry." I state with a grin on my face. "Hey Kim, do you want to go for coffee? I saw this little café down the street that is still open." I didn't care that it was almost midnight, I wanted coffee.

"Sure! Why not? I don't want to go home too late though, since I have to be in church at ten tomorrow." I nodded my head and after she got her stuff and waved goodbye to Michael, who was shooting me a deadly smirk, I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the apartment.


"No way!"

"I'm telling you, it's true! You can watch the rerun if you want to."

"I can't believe he tripped... See, that's why he is the idiot out of us."

"Huh? What?" She seemed a bit confused when I said this. Of, of course, she isn't that big of a fan, she probably doesn't know about all these shirts and flannels Mike has with 'IDIOT' on them.

"Oh, nothing, just something he and I talked about earlier." I waved my hand and she just sipped from her ice coffee. She wandered off into space and I couldn't help but stare a bit longer. She recently got a haircut, so the front fringes kept falling into her face, sometimes in front of her eyes.

She could literally drown in her own thoughts when she dozed off. It happened many, many times. She would just stare at something random, very often not even blinking, until you would snap your fingers or wave your hand in front of her face. She would jump a bit and laugh lightly, since she is easily embarrassed.

It is cute. She is cute.

"Uhm, thanks?" She said suddenly.

"Mhm, what? Wait – what? Did I say that out loud, oh right, uhm you're welcome I guess...?"

She giggled and hid her face a bit with her sweater paws – I told you, she's adorable – before saying "You're so awkward, it's adorable." Funny how she uses that word after I thought it. It made me grin a bit and she giggle lightly.

She could laugh at anything, it's so amazing. Especially when she's tired, you could say 'circle' or 'pencil' or just poke her and she would laugh so loudly it looks like she was choking.

"I think I like you."

Before I could even think what I was thinking about, it just came out of me.

"What?" Kim asked, her eyes widening in shock. Shit, Luke. What have you done? Deny it! No, don't deny it, that's rude. Uhm, shit, what do I do? Say it like as friends? Yeah, that'd be best, wouldn't it. Let's just do that.

"Yeah, I mean, we wouldn't be friends if I didn't like you, get it? I like how close we are and can talk about anything. I also think it's fun two of our best friends are dating now. That's cool right!?"

"Oh, right! Of course..."

Her shoulders slumped a bit and she seemed truly disappointed. Wait a minute, was Michael right? Does she really like me back? I hope she does, but it would be too late now anyways. I practically just said I wanted to be friends with her and nothing more.

If only she knew that is the only thing I want right now...


*Kimberly's P.O.V.*

I was very disappointed when Luke practically rejected me, but I need to get over it. After all, he is this 'amazing, famous, hot rock star' and I'm just... me.

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