- poems and exes

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author's drabble: this is actually based on something that happened to me. Not exactly, just the letter part. 'Cause I'm not sure I even have a guitar to shove up people's ass. Lol.

song recommendation:
Still Lonely - Seventeen
(This song suits the mood at the end of the story, and I was listening to this while writing)

Today was no special to Jihoon. All he felt was stress, frustration and the terrible bad breaths of his classmates. He was pissed.
Nothing new.

Lee Jihoon was basically a walking bomb. Any wrong move, and he'll shove a guitar up your ass.


"Shitty day. Is anything new?" Jihoon asked himself, disgusted by the sight of the average high schoolers in front of him.
Students kissing, fighting, the likes. Everything was repulsing in Jihoon's eyes.

Except for one person.

"C-choi Seungcheol." Jihoon stopped in his tracks as he saw a familiar man leaning on his locker. "Fuck."

He turned to the other direction, shaking his head.

Goddamnit, Jihoon. Why do you have to be so obvious?

"You fucker, Seungcheol." Jihoon whispered to himself.

How ironic, he laughed to himself.

He was the one who dumped Seungcheol and yet here he was, acting as if he was the victim.


He shook off his thoughts and headed to his first class.

He walked to his room, still disgusted, he sank down on his chair, throwing his bag to wherever and started napping.

He felt a slight shake on his shoulder as he stretched out his arms.

"Had a nice nap, Ji?"

Jihoon's expression quickly shifted and turned to something similar to shock. "W-what?"

"You heard me. We'll talk after class, Lee." The class president said.

There was a coldness in Seungcheol's voice. Which was not what Jihoon was used to.

He knows Seungcheol as a happy, weird, gummy guy who loves him.

Hah, sorry. Loved.

Jihoon just nodded at the class president and went back to his own business.

He couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt and longing as he looked at Seungcheol.

Jihoon misses him.

"So much." Jihoon looked down and fiddled with his fingers.
It was too late, perhaps he had already moved on.

Jihoon remembered the letters he kept in his bag. He quickly opened it and rushed to retrieve the pieces of paper. Which meant everything to him.

He opened the paper labeled '#1'

"When I look you in the eye,
Its like the love I feel won't ever die
Because for you and me,
We're meant to be."

He softly laughed at the memories, and opened a random one.

"When I hold your warm hand,
I'd never want time to end.
Every kiss, I'd cherish each one
Your love, it shot me like a gun."

Seungcheol's poem made Jihoon smile. They weren't A plus material but they meant a lot. And that's what matters to him.

He kept browsing through Cheol's poem, until he heard the bell ring.

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