Chapter 2

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Emily's POV

" can I offer you a ride"

" no thanks I'm good"

" no I insist" what oh no I can't say yes to a total stranger what am I going to do

" Em" Camilla shouts thank god
" Em oh my god what happened are you okay what took you so long"

" how did you find me"

" please I'm your best friend and you kind of always hangout in that coffee shop so it wasn't hard"

" hhhh you like that coffee shop it is my favorite too"

" oh" was all I said

" Em who's this"

" this... This is Jonathan the man who kind of saved my life or my V card" I whisper

" oh my god okay what happened"

" I'll tell you later but it has something to do with Selena "

" what the bitch"

" yeh well thanks for your help Jonathan and I hope this is not a goodbye "

" me too" and we left

Jonathan POV

When Emily left I was a little bit confused  why did I care about her I could have let her go with that psycho I don't know what is going on but she looks so innocent and so beautiful... Wait what no I am not falling for a girl once she knows whom I am she would want to go out with me because of my money all girls are the same but there is something special about her. So I call jack

" jack hello"

" yes Jonathan"

" I need you to research for me some information about a girl named Emily"

" okay what is her family name"

" I don't know"

" okay what does she look like"

" she has blond hair blue eyes full lips small and cute nose all in all she is beautiful" stupid stupid did I just tell him that

" ohhh I see my friend has a crush on someone"

" shut up and do as I said"

" okay"

At my office

I was doing some paper work when someone knocks on the door and I know it is jack

" come in"

" hey so I have researched and I found three girls with the same physical descriptions so I got you a picture of each for you to see and I have researched all the girls background in case"

When he shows me the pictures I directly recognize her her picture was the second girl

" this one"

" oh well Jonathan this poor girl has the worst life anyone would imagine"

" worst than mine"

" way worst than yours"

" tell me about it"

" well she was her dad's favorite but all that changed when her mom died while giving birth to her little sister after that her father went crazy so crazy that he killed his three days old daughter in front of Emily's eyes and since then she was afraid of him and after  a couple of weeks he started drinking and he even started hitting her and she had to live with him till she was 14 years old when her uncle told her to tell the police about everything she knows and now her father is in jail and her uncle has been taking care of her but till now she has some trust issues but she tries not to show it"

" oh my god so she is somehow an orphan"

" yes you can say that"

" wow okay what does she work whom has she dated"

" well well"

" no comments"

" okay she lately finished her master earlier by two years because of her excellent grades she studied business and her ex boyfriends are Conner stone,
Martin Skye, Josh jones, and finally Jake blue."

" all of them seriously and she has trust issues"

" well at least she goes on dates and she doesn't search for fuck bodies"

" wait is she still a  vergant  "

" well yes in the research I made her mother made her promise not to loose her vergenaty till after marriage"

" okay thank you now you can leave wait did you announce the news of me needing a secretary"

" yes I did"

" okay now you can leave"

Emily's POV

When I tell everything to Camilla i was surrounded by a poodle of water ( just kidding)

" that jerk but now that you guys broke up I can tell you that I never liked him he is a total jerk and he doesn't deserve you trust me"

" you know it is not like I liked him or anything I just did it because he practically begged me to but it still hurts being betrayed again"

" it is okay don't worry hey look they announced that there is a secretary job for some billionaire guy wanna try"

" no"

" yes you need a job"

" fine"

" okay you need to go tomorrow"

"Fine wanna have a sleepover "

" sure " and we spent the rest of the night watching movies and laughing and I forgot about that jerk I guess

The next day

" okay now you are ready for this interview"

" you think"

" yes go" Camilla chose my outfit for the interview I looked like a business women which is my goal after I get all the papers I need I head to find a taxi and I head to the Moon company building my fist job interview sow exiting. When I enter the building I find a lot of other girls whom are here for the job interview but then I notice someone familiar

" Jonathan"

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