The Second Meetings.

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"And how are we supposed to find him? " asked Alex

"He wont have left the city. He said we would meet again. That means he would have left a clue. Let's go to his old place"
"Okay, here we are. Let's go check it out." said Will looking at the house .
They entered the building, cautiously with guns drawn out. Finding the house empty, they relaxed. Will walked around, trying to see what might indicate Chance's whereabouts.
"Well, do you see anything?" said Alex, reading the newspaper clippings stuck on the fridge.
"Chance was clever. Very clever. Think like a clever person."

" If I was clever, I wouldn't be here" said Alex chuckling to himself.

Will was looking at the paintings, when he heard a click. He turned around to see a masked man pointing a gun at him. And another one with a gun at Alex's temple.

"Hello Mr. Carter. I was told you would come. Hands in the air, now."

"I am never coming with you ever again" shouted Alex.

"Quiet little man" said the Masked man. "I am supposed to show you something. And surprisingly, let you live. "

"Oh really? And what exactly do you want to show me? " asked Will.

The Masked man tossed a cellphone towards Will. "Check it."
Will checked the phone. The look on his face hardened, his jaw muscles tightened.

"No. This is between us."

"I am not the one who makes the decisions Mr. Carter. I am the messenger."

"What do you want?" asked Will, anger, clearly visible in his eyes.

"I am just doing what I am told. You seem to have killed someone important. "

"Backseat boss" Will thought to himself.

"I am also supposed to take you in. To my employers." said the Masked man.
"You know what's gonna happen if you don't cooperate."

"Try me" said Will

"Oh cumon. I am the one with the gun. "

"And I am the one with the guts" said Will, flinging the phone towards the first gunman, hitting him on the face.
Alex, seizing the opportunity, pounced on the second gunman. The first gunman man fired . But Will lunged forward, grabbing the man's hand and twisting it, then turning around, he judo flipped the first man, and then drew his gun and fired at the other gunman, who was wrestling Alex. Turning around, Will kicked the gun out of the first man's hand, and then put his gun on the man's head.
"Who sent you? " asked Will, clicking the gun.
In a swift movement, the man snatched the gun from Will's hand. Both of them wrestled for the gun. Will hit the man's hand against the table edge, making him drop the gun. He then punched him across the face and kicked his stomach, throwing him backwards. *BANG* The man dropped to the ground. Will saw Alex with a smoking gun, pointing to where the man was standing.

"I needed him alive." shouted Will.

"Why? He tried to kill you, almost did actually" said Alex, pointing to Will's neck.
Will rub his hand where Alex pointed, to find he was hit. The shot the man fired scraped him, but otherwise didn't harm him.

"It's nothing. Just a scrape. They have Eva."

"Who's Eva again?"

"My wife." Will said, picking up the cell phone and showing Alex a picture of a beautiful woman tied up and gagged.

" if the commotion is over, may I enter?" said a voice at the door

Alex and Will both pointed their guns at the door.

With a mixture of relief, anger and surprise, Will says "Look who has shown up, its Mr Christopher Chance."

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