"What shall we do Your Majesty?" Percival asked. Sonic gave his signature smile and raised his head high to the purple feline, making her blush.

"I guess we'll have to pay her a little visit. And would you all stop calling me 'your majesty'? I'm not a king!"

"You'll have to be the one to lead us! You are King Arthur." Gawain exclaimed. Sonic raised a hand in defeat.

"Alright fine. But just call me Sonic, got it?"

"Of course Sir Sonic." Percival replied.

"Hmph." Lancelot turned away once more. Sonic scratched his head with a questioning look. This guy was just like Shadow, annoying and cocky.

"I must return to where I belong Sir Sonic. If you ever need me, please do not hesitate to visit the lake." With those final words, Amy disappeared in a blue, sparkling mist.

The Knights made their way to the Kingdom of Camelot, followed by their confused King. He clearly could have shown them the way to the kingdom, if he remembered where it was. On the way, he encountered the Blacksmith's shop and quickly dashed inside. He returned to the Knights, followed by a young kitsune. Sonic could not forget his younger brother Tails. Although he is known as a poor blacksmith in Camelot, he is still Sonic's best friend. He also figured that his fellow Knights could use someone to sharpen and clean their weapons if need be. Lancelot crossed his arms and glared at Sonic in defiance.

"Who is this armiger? We do not need any assistance on our journey." Sonic walked toward him, emerald eyes gleaming with frustration.

"Look, he's a blacksmith who can help us all out. We need someone like him. So either do what I say, or leave if you don't like my rules." Lancelot raised his onyx visor and dared to face Sonic head on. The fury in his eyes was deadly, and no king could diminish it.

"He is nothing but a poor boy who can sharpen a sword. If you insist on making foolish decisions and risking more lives than our own then by all means, lead him to his death. I have no doubt that you will do the same to us all,Your Majesty." Lancelot continued to walk ahead of the group. Sonic snarled. Percival looked away in sorrow and waited for Sonic to continue walking. Gawain followed behind. Tails the blacksmith started to tremble with fear. He pulled Sonic's arm to gain his attention.

"Sir, are you sure this is not a mistake? If I will be a bother, then I would be more than happy to leave you all be." Sonic smirked and flicked the tip of his nose.

"Don't mind killjoy over there. He's never in a good mood." Lancelot pretended not to hear.

Incompetent fool. Our kingdom is doomed if his reign as King continues...

The group made it to the kingdom. Sonic was shocked to see how gigantic the castle was. The ivory stones were covered in vines and purple flags that held an image of a black horse blew in the wind from the tops of towers. Sonic believed it to be the symbol of the Black Knight. He made a mental note to change them.

As they entered the castle, Sonic and the others were greeted by two Knights whom strongly resembled Silver the Hedgehog and Jet the Hawk.

"Jet? Silver? What are you two doing here?" Both Knights stared at him in bewilderment.

"Who is this Jet that you speak of? I am Sir Lamorak, a fellow knight of the round table." Jet replied.

"And I am Sir Galahad," said Silver, "it is a great honor to meet you King Arthur. All of the land has heard of your great victory against the Dark Queen and we are indebted to you for life." Sonic just rolled his eyes. This was all very confusing. It would take him years to remember all of these names. As they entered the castle, Sonic was shown to his throne room. It was a long, grim hall that contained a red carpet trimmed with gold thread that lead to a gold throne. Sonic was in awe but then scrunched his nose.

"This place needs a new look. It's way too drab for my taste." Gawain groaned and retreated to his private quarters. Percival whispered into Lancelot's ear and then thanked Sonic once more. She left with Silver, or Sir Galahad. Lamorak left to show Tails his new room due to Sonic's command. Tails could not contain his joy and jumped in excitement. Lancelot remained with his arms crossed as usual. Sonic sat on his throne and watched Lancelot with intent. He looked as if he wanted to get something off of his chest, but if that was the case, he suppressed the urge and walked away. Sonic pondered for a moment what Lancelot might have wanted but soon let it go.

Sonic was alone for about fifteen seconds before deciding that he wanted to go for a run. Dinner would be made soon so he had no time to waste. Sonic ventured into the woods for a while and then came back to the castle in less than a minute. He ran through the halls, startling the villagers that served as housekeepers for the castle. He skidded to a stop when he heard loud clanking noises coming from a dimly lighted room below the castle. He peeked into the door frame to see Lancelot, sharpening the dull edges of his sword Arondight.

"Do you need anything Sir Sonic?" He asked unnervingly. Sonic chuckled.

"Nah. I'm really hungry though."

"I was informed that dinner will soon be ready. The dining room is above us." There was a trace of irritation of in his voice, as usual.

"Great. Thanks Shadow." Lancelot stopped tending to his sword.

"Who is this Shadow that you speak so fondly of?" Sonic laughed.

"Fondly? I wouldn't say that."

"This is not the first time you have referred to me as 'Shadow' Your Majesty. During our duel I heard you call me by this name." Sonic looked away, remembering the tragedy that happened aboard the ARK a few years ago. Shadow was back and working with GUN now but it was still strange to be with his medieval doppelgänger.

"It's nothing, you just remind me of someone I know." Lancelot approached Sonic.

"No one can be compared to me Sir. I am the ultimate Knight and the only companion to King Arthur. I am the leader of the Knights of the Round Table."

"Yep, you sound like him too."

Lancelot ignored him and continued speaking. "I will obliterate anyone who goes against my king."

"Do you mean me? Or the old king that wasn't even a real person?" Lancelot was silent. He turned away.

"I hope you did not take offense to my remarks during our duel Sir Sonic." The apology came out sarcastically. Sonic placed his hands on his hips and smiled.

"What remarks Sir Lance?" Lancelot winced at the nickname.

"I had referred to you as a 'court jester'. Do you not recall?"

"Nope. I guess it was just too short of a battle to remember." Sonic stated as he walked away, feeling quite proud with his clever retort. Sonic could basically hear the steam come from Shadow's ears like the whistle of a tea kettle. He grabbed Sonic and forced him to turn back around. Lancelot held Arondight in his hands and pointed towards Sonic's beige chest.

"Do you mock me oh Knight of the Wind?" Lancelot asked, rage radiating from every fiber of his being. Sonic leaned toward the ebony hedgehog.

"Of course not, faker." And with that, Sonic sped off.


Hey guys! This will be an actual story. I will write as I go along so please leave ideas and thoughts on what you think because your opinion matters, too.Also this is my first sonadow story! So im really jittery and nervous about it. But i really hope that you guys will support me as I'm going through the chapters. This story wont have a lot of smut, since i haven't had plenty of practice writing it, but it will be sonadow so I hope that makes up for it. And as always vote and comment! <3

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