Day 1: Warped Tour, Dallas TX

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My blue eyes fluttered open, and saw the black bottom of Ryan's bunk. I swung my feet over the edge of my bunk and hopped down, of course not being able to sit up in the bunk, I ungracefully slithered down. The cold floor sent shivers through my body. Of course Chris turned on the air conditioner. So I stole one of Vinny's sweatshirts that he wore last night and breathed in his smell. Everybody was still asleep except for Ghost, carefully picking out his outfit and makeup for the set. I walked back to the bunks and booped Vinny on the nose, which caused him to snore louder.
"Vinny. You need to eat breakfast so you don't yell about how you're hungry until lunch. I can't handle that again." I said, poking his chest repeatedly. He groaned in response, stretching his arms, which soon collided with the wall.
"Sh*t. Stupid bunk." He whispered, his morning voice groggy and super hot. He slithered out of his bunk, maybe a bit more gracefully than I did and embraced me. "Good morning beautiful. How'd you sleep?" He asked, letting his arms fall from my neck to his sides.
"Fine. You?"
"Ugh." He grabbed a dirty T-shirt and threw it over his bare torso. "Those stupid bunks are so cramped." He stopped mid-stretch and looked at my outfit. "Is that my sweatshirt?"
"Yeah. Somebody turned on the air conditioning and I didn't have one with me so I stole yours." I giggled, swaying softly. He bent over, looking under the long fabric that went to my mid-thigh.
"You better be wearing pants since we're going to get breakfast." He smirked slightly before throwing on his old Nike's. He softly kissed my forehead before intertwining our hands and leading me out of the tour bus. I slid on my sandals on our way out. The rising sun reflected off the drops of dew, that collected on the grass overnight.
We walked slowly to the catering tent and smelled the aroma from across the parking lot.
We got in and Vinny ordered a lot. I ordered nothing because I wasn't hungry. We sat down and I pulled out my phone. He shoveled food down his throat while I showed him pictures and tweets I had gotten over night.
When he finished we walked back to the bus and saw the guys getting ready to help the crew set up their tent.
"Hey guys. Why didn't you wake us up for breakfast?" Chris asked, putting on his beanie in the mirror.
"Revenge for turning on the air conditioning and turning Vinny's body paint into a black tube of ice." I said, throwing extreme amounts of shade.
"Well, I guess that's fair." He said, avoiding how badly I just burned him. I laughed and threw him a banana from the counter. Vine ran off to get dressed and I heard him humming a song.
"Hey Vinny, was your TrAp DeMoN video supposed to be serious?"
"Well, yeah, I'm a serious rapper."
"Oh. Maybe you should work more on something you have a future in, like drumming."
"Are you saying I don't have a future in rapping?!" He asked, almost offended.
"I'm just saying, you know you're good at drumming and you have a good future in it. Maybe don't throw that away?" I laughed, walking away.
"Hey!!! You're lucky I love you!"
"And keep the naked girls and drug use out of the next video maybe? You're getting negative attention from fans!" I yelled, Walking out the door to go help set up.
I grabbed a corner of the tent and helped carry it to the area where we were setting it up. Me, being super short couldn't help set it up because it was way above my head but I helped carry boxes of merch back and forth. When everything was set up we went back to the bus and saw Ghost and Vinny setting up for a quick livestream since their set wasn't until 4:30 and the signing was after that, they had nothing else to do. I sat where I could watch, but was out of the way of the camera. They played the game for about five minutes before they began talking to me. They were both playing Overwatch, like usual and they knew I had no idea how to play it so they didn't ask for my help.
"Babe, come here they're asking about you." Vinny said, staring at his phone. I stood off the couch and walked over to his laptop, I bent over so they could see me.
"Hey guys." I smiled and waved. Vinny grabbed my hand and led me to sit on his lap. "You can't play with me on your lap dummy." I laughed going to stand. He quickly wrapped his arms tightly around my waist.
"No, they like you, stay!" He whined.
"Whatever, but when you keep dying, don't complain to me." I laughed.
20 Minutes Later
Chris walked in, fully clothed for the day, while we were all still in our pajamas.
"Um, Vinny and McKenna, you guys might not care, but Devin?"
"Yeah?" He asked, still focused on his game.
"We are doing a last minute meet and greet with the fans. I don't know what you want to be wearing for that?"
"Sh*t!!!!" He turned off his laptop and ran out of the room.
Chris laughed and walked out as well.
"You wanna go get ready for that?" I asked, poking Vinny repeatedly on his chest.
"Yeah, I just need to get dressed and throw on some body paint." He clicked off the livestream, kissed my cheek and stood, obviously putting me on my feet. He went to changed, so I figured is would get out of my pajamas as well. I came out and saw him struggling with his body paint.
"Need some help?" I giggled.
"Yes please!!! It's really F*cking cold though so go slow!" He handed me the bottle of paint. I squirted some into my hand a quickly rubbed it over his arms and whipped the excess on his neck. "I said slow baby!" He laughed, looking in the mirror and filling in the spots on his neck. "I'm gonna go to a meet and greet now. Wanna come?" He asked Seriously.
"I'll litterly get shot by one of your fans."
"Just sit on the floor or something. Act like you're one of the security guards."
"Fine, whatever." I said following him as he caught up to the boys.
"Can she come?" He asked, pointing to me.
"I don't care just don't be all lovey dovey because the fans will probably murder her." Chris said before laughing. We looked at each other and unlaced our fingers. And to make it look less like we were together. I walked next to Balz. We showed up and had to sneakily walk past the huge crowd. As we got into the tent, a few girls saw them and began getting very excited. I stood next to the security guard who was letting people through to meet them, and asked the fans questions about the band.
A girl, who seemed very nervous walked slowly to line where she was waiting for her turn.
"Who's your favorite?" I asked, to try to calm her nerves.
"Ricky." She stated and refused to make eye contact.
"Mine is Vinny." I laughed. She looked at me and covered her mouth.
"You're his girlfriend! From the livestreams!" She said a bit too loud. I quietly ran back into the tent and sat on a beanbag chair that Ryan brought it.
"I've been discovered." I giggled to myself. I spent the rest of the meet and greet responding to MIW fans who were tweeting me. Some about the meet and greet, some posting pictures of the guys and tagging me because I'm sitting behind them, clear as day. We went back to the bus and I got my camera ready. I had it charging overnight and I grabbed one of my many new SD cards to take pictures. I use a new one everyday. I decided to go around the sets and take pictures of the different bands. After walking around for a few hours and taking pictures of different bands, I went back to the bus. He wasn't there so I sat on the couch and began deleting the pictures that I didn't like. After transferring the one I do like onto my phone, I posted them on. Instagram and went back outside and noticed a giant crowd in the Think TEI tent wearing Motionless in White shirts. I walked in and was surrounded by teenage girls. Some were angry but most were pretty excited.
"I didn't think any of you knew who I was." I laughed.
"Are you kidding?! Vinny is constantly posting pictures of you two on every social media he has! Hey, do you mind if we have a picture together?" One girl asked.
"Sure!" I quickly took the picture and was surrounded with phones and cameras. A security guard came over and announced that they should head to the tent for their session with Chris. I said goodbye and we parted. I heard a giant roar come from the Monster stage North and heard Tyler Carter introduce his band. I ran as quickly as I could to catch Issues set and got caught up with the crowd, not realizing that I was getting pushed more and more towards the mosh pit. I saw flailing arms and realized I wanted to get out of there. I tapped a guys shoulder and he hoisted me on top of the crowd. Having done this tons of times, I stayed stiff as a board and waited to get to the front. Michael Bohn recognized me and grabbed my hand, pulling me on stage. In the middle of "Yung and Dum" I grabbed a Mic and sang the rest With Tyler, at the end I was introduced before I ran off stage. Vinny stood backstage with the biggest smile.
"You sounded amazing baby." He mumbled in my shoulder as we embraced.
"Awe thanks. So how long until your set?" I asked wondering if I could be in the crowd or not.
"About an hour. Are you going to be in the crowd? You can stay in the bus if you want..."
"No! I want to support you. I'll be in the crowd!" I pulled out of the but and kissed his chin lightly.
"I need to reapply the black paint before we go on baby." he said, motioning that he wanted to go back to the bus.
I sighed, following him. He lead me into the bus, I poked his butt as it jiggled up the stairs. "HEY!" He exclaimed, protecting his cute little cheeks.

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