Chapter 1 - The War Begins

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The early November frost covers the vast lands of Avifaunia. Communities on the outskirts of town prepare for the worst, sending their young children to the palace and warrior sons out to fight. People everywhere hide as the loud syllables of the alarm horn sound, signaling an invasion is upon the kingdom. From inside the castle, Queen Noelle takes a seat in her large iron throne. Her hair sits as white as snow and her blue eyes are ablaze in fury. She calls out orders to her warrior class, the Avians.

"Bar the gates! Secure the children in the east tower and set three of our best men to patrol! Station our archers on the North wall!"

She pauses, recognizing her commander in chief is absent from her presence. "Kristopher? Kristopher Wineria?"

Moments later, the man she seeks strolls into the thrown room, white snowflakes dotting his shining silver armor. Tall and strong, he quickly takes his rightful place by the queen's side.

"What news do you bring?" Noelle inquires.

"The Nightengades have sent only a third of their army this time. They flank our northern wall while the rest hide in the outskirts of the forest. Unfortunately, the vile men have laid seige to the nearby villages of Deman and Vilena. The towns are currently ablaze, destroying what little resources that were once present."

"The children?" She persists, prepping for the worst.

"The children, your highness, were able to take refuge because of your orders. You have saved them."

Anger overwhelms the queen, "That is not good enough! These are my people that are dying! These are the youth under my power that are turning to orphans as each moment passes! Send half of the Avians to salvage what is left and burn these men of darkness to the ground!"

Kristopher hesitates in obeying. "Your safety is what matters Noelle, I'm not letting you put your safety at risk to save what's already erupting in flames!"

Clearly overstepping his bounds, Kristopher searches for a speck of emotion in his dearest friend's face. Despite the tactical benefits, his heart remains loyal to the girl he watched grow up before his eyes. The one who went from a young and doubtful girl unaware of her powers to this strong and stubborn ruler. Noelle turns and faces him, features still as ice.

"I won't just let them be reduced to ashes. Each life has immeasurable potential, and I will see to it that everything within my power is done to prevent these heathens from taking what is not theirs." Standing as her sparkling blue dress sweeps the floor, Queen Noelle gives her order. "Our best swordsmen are to recapture Deman and Vilena. Take twenty of our best horses and be off at once. I will send the crows and leapords to assist you."

As Kristopher departs to fulfill her wishes, Noelle summons from within her powers of the night, asking the loyal creatures to assist her in battle. Now all that is left for her to do is wait for their arrival. Sensing at once their presence and with the winds on her side, she sends their breeze to encapse the battle and inhibit its spread. Her actions are visible now as a swirling wall of snow is present in the distance. Despite how the odds have seemingly shifted, she wishes more could be done. A frown envelopes her lips, which is quickly noticed by her councilor Fredrick Cleaverson, first of his name.

"My Queen! Why are you upset? Surely the battle is won!" So sure of his knowledge of tactics and battle strategy, Fredrick attempts to lighten his superior's mood.

"The battle will not be won. My people can be aided in their attempt of survival, but even with the forces of nature the Nightengades shall not be stopped just yet. Winter is upon us, and I assure you this is where they will call upon experience and strength to overthrow us and allow the night to fall into a state of endless darkness."

No words escape either of them after this point. The twilight attack quickly fades into the pitch black cover of night. The only light to counteract the darkness' blinding quality is that of the erupting flames, ruining the lives of many. Yet even this is barely visible in the middle of the giant pillar of swirling snow. The savages find strength easily in the thoughts that they have nothing to loose.

Originating from the bitter tundra through the northern forest, these tribes are nomads, seeking to spread their miserable ways of savagery through the endless night. They wish to destroy all that is good and peaceful of the night, turning it to a time of evil and terror. Their methods of war are a distant cry of honorable as they pilfer, rape, and demolish while passing through each village.

Noelle wants better for those who fall under her rule. She wants them to live a life of peace and prosperity. To achieve this, first she had to come to terms with the ideal peace only comes through war. One can not reason with the unreasonable, even with the best of guidance. Knowing this she continues ahead, never straying or cowering away from the battle that is to come.

Many will die, more will be injured, and all will suffer. It's the undeniable and irreversible fate of war. All that occurs will forever tie itself to the queen's conscience, as she holds the power. She decides who lives and who dies, a concept that is absolutely frightening to anyone with humanity still left in them. Her words next will forever hold a place in the minds of those who witnessed them spoken.

Arising from her throne, Queen Noelle speaks. "Any actions made to massacre the Nightengale army will be unsuccessful. The prophecy, fortold for centuries and exposed to me the day I took power, tells of all hardships to come. It is finally playing out before our eyes, the final struggle of the two entities seeking dominance over the night, good and evil."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2017 ⏰

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