Part Seven - Book Covers (Continued)

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Part Seven - Book Covers (Continued)

Hello everyone! Yes, I'm back with another continuation of Book Covers. :)

New Program I use! (Well, new to me)

I just recently really started using a new program to make my covers with. It's a free program called Gimp, and it's like Photoshop. Perfect right? Especially for your cheapskates out there! *grins*

All you have to do is download it. Simple as that. Go to, to do so.

Okay, so when I first downloaded Gimp. I had no freaking idea how to use it. And to be honest, I'm still trying to figure it out. The main reason I use it is because of the fonts. They are AMAZING. And they look so clean and professional when placed. Not fuzzy or anything. I am in love.

Now, when I first looked at the fonts, I was very disheartened, but heres the good news: You can down load free fonts. Here is the website I use to get fonts: You could either use that website or just google fonts for Gimp, and you will find other websites.

Like I said, I've only been using it for fonts. Here is what I've been doing to make my covers:

1. After I find my picture, I upload it to and while I'm there, crop the photo and resize it. Yeah, I have't figured out how to do that on Gimp...

2. After that I upload it to Gimp. That is where I place my fonts.

So, yeah, that's all I've been doing on there. Once I figure out more things I can do on there, I will post a new part.

Now, on to something else...

Book Cover Club

Yes, I am back on that subject. But I am here to give you more tips, and rant a little.

So, I've noticed this alot when I'm in the Book Cover Club: Yada Yada Yada's Professional Book Covers!



I promise you, 98% of the time, they won't be.

I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but usually the discussions that have the word 'professional' in them are really really really bad. They usually look like beginners that used paint and google.

Normally, the really good book cover artists don't have that word in their title. But if they do, at least they are using the word correctly.

The only artist I know that has that word in their title, and lives up to that title, is ThePandaWriter. I don't have that word in my title though. I'm not professional like her. Yeah, I have had alot of times where my covers have turned out good, but its never a sure fire thing that they will be good. I believe its luck alot of the time for me.

Avoid discussions with that word in it, unless you know they live up to that title. I think the only people that should have that title are the people that have been making covers on here for a while and use photoshop. Or at least know how to make their covers look like photoshop made them.

I believe the only reason they put it in their title is to get more people to look at the discussion. Here is my question to those people... Why in the hell would you do that?!? Do you want to be up to your ears in requests? I don't.

Oh yeah... Another thing...

Yada Yada Yada's Fast and Awesome covers in five to ten minutes!!!! :P :D XD

Don't click on that mess. Ever. Good covers take time. And if it takes them only five minutes to make your cover, then I can assure you you won't be happy with the result.


That is it for now. I hope noone took any offence. If you did, then your probably one of those people. And to you I say... Read all my cover tips and all the tips anyone on Wattpad offers, and practice. All of this stuff in that club strikes a nerve with me, so I am not really sorry about anything I said on the subject.

Thank you for reading!



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