Part Four - Book Covers (Continued)

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Part Four - Book Covers (Continued)

Hi there! So, as you all can see, this is a continuation of part one! I have other useful tips I would like to share.

Making your title 'POP' -

I see this problem with ALOT. It irks me... Yes, I know what you're thinking... What doesn't irk you, Smoo? Hey! There's really not that many things... *coughs and smiles*

Anyways, on with the tips...

Layering - this is your best friend. Seriously. He's my bff too. When it comes to cover making, that is.

When your looking to make your title more noticable, heres what you do:

1st: Once you know where and how big you want your text to be, you should type it out, turn the text white, and lower the opacity (refer to part one). This will make it transparent.

2nd: Next you should execute that! Then go back to the font thingy. Type the same exact same thing you wrote, make that a different color (black, pink etc.). Make sure its the exact same size, then put that text over the transparent text. Now, don't place it directly on the original text, you still want to be able to see it. You want to give it the 3D effect. Just scooch it over a little, but not too much. The cover to the side is a perfect example of this.

'Pretty' Titles -

We all want our titles to look pretty, but it's a challenge. One way to make this happen is to make one letter bigger than the others (refer to California Dreaming cover).

To do this you should just type that first letter first and then execute, and once you do that make the rest of the word smaller. When doing this, be careful with your word placement.

Pictures (Continued) -

I know I should touched a little more one this subject in part one, so I will now.

When you're picking a picture, pick one that is text friendly. If your text won't show up very well with it, don't use it!

Here is an example of what I mean: I seen a cover a little while ago that the upper most part of the cover had colors that went in the order (dark, light, dark). Bad idea. Unless you don't mind your title blending in, have at it. If you don't, pick a picture that will ensure your title will be noticable.

Okay! That's it for now! Since this is short, I may come back and add things as I think of them.

Hope this helped, if not... Refer to part one and look at my advice on the book cover club, and take it from there. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I may be a bit confusing, I know. If you want to send me a request for a cover, go to the Book Cover story group. Any requests posted here will be ignored. Thanks! Have a great night/day everyone!



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