Chapter 1

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Maya's POV

It was my first day of college and  Shawn was helping helping me carry my boxes into my dorm I was lucky and didn't have to share a room.

I said my good byes to Shawn and my mom I fall back on to my twin bed still trying to process this in my head.

Riley was going to a school across the Country and Lucas went to college in Texas The only person that goes to the same college as me is Farkle.

For the rest of the day I just unpack my things and got my classes on campus there is a store that's full of school supplies.

I needed to get a few things that I forgot to buy before I left as I was grabbing some pencils for when we take tests.

I dropped a few of the pencils so I bent down
To grab them as soon as I did that I hear some one say "whoa" cuz I hit them with my butt.

Talk about embarrassing as I Turn around my eyes widen and so do his "maya" he says surprised "um yeah that's me" I say nervously.

I haven't seen josh in like 3 years we just stare at each other for a second.

"Well it was nice seeing you" I say walking towards the cash register I pay for the pencils.

I know I'm dumb for just leaving but I didn't know what to say To him we haven't spoken in years ever since the ski lodge trip.

He just would never come around and he met someone or so I heard from Riley and it broke my teenage heart back then.

I go back to my dorm and sleep things off the only thing about living in dorms here is there's unisex showers her so we all share showers.

I grab a towel and my things to wash myself and walk down the hall to the showers luckily only one person was taking a shower.

I change out of my clothes and get in the shower I try and not take long so if people come in and need to shower they don't have to wait.

I rap my towel my body the person in the other shower gets out of the shower a few seconds after me.

And it's the one and only josh half naked in front of me this was to much to handle "hey" he says I don't respond.

"What's your problem?" He says in a rude tone but it was really hot I don't responded I just roll my eyes.

"What bitch" he mutters that ticked me off so I just yell  "you your the problem"  and storm off to my room.

*should there be smut I my story?*

Freshman | JoshayaWhere stories live. Discover now