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Sonic set her down carefully, and she gave him a kind smile while gazing at the giant airship suspended in the sky. "Is that it?" She questioned quietly, looking up at the large metal ship. He nodded slowly, offering her a toothy grin as his verdant pools looked into hers. The ship was grey, with some accents in red and yellow, a familiar gruesome logo plastered onto the sides. (Y/n) grimaced. "Let's get moving then."

After some difficulty, they found themselves atop the ship, hiding in the shadows. They had their sides pressed to the cold wall, knees tucked in. "Are you ready, princess?" She froze for a moment, taking a glance at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Princess?" She murmured, causing him to flush. What the hell?

He chuckled quietly, eyes trained on the busy hallways parallel to them. "Sorry, it just slipped. But hey, you do look like a princess." She gave him an awkward smile.

"Thank you, I guess," she whispered. His bright green eyes flickered down to her lips for a moment, and her (e/c) eyes widened. He neared her, green pools peering into her own once again. What the fuck? Her heart beat faster, a nervous feeling crashing down on her. He ran a hand through his soft azure quills, licking his lips. Leaning towards her, he placed a gloved hand on her cheek. His face was dusted with a soft pink, and hers was no different. Frozen to her spot, she let out a strangled yelp, striking Sonic's face in one, fluid motion. Fuck, fuck, fuck. He groaned, tenderly rubbing his cheek. He jumped back, a startled look settling over his face. "Sorry. This isn't the time for that kind of thing. We're on a mission, Mr. I'm-The-Fastest-Thing-On-The-Planet." She said with an apologetic smile. He nodded understandingly, hand dropping from his face.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. But you didn't have to slap me," he pouted, cheeks still pink. Entirely avoiding the supposed insult, an awkward silence settled over them. He pointed behind her. "Robot." Jumping up, he rolled himself into a ball, attacking the large robot with a single hit.

"Impressive. But can you beat this?" Whipping out a small explosive, she launched it at two nearby metal monsters, causing them to blow up with a small bang. She let out a carefree laugh.

He smirked cockily. "I think you've got this from here. I'm going to go and land the ship, okay? Stay safe." Smiling at her, he sped off in the opposite direction.

Her shoulders relaxed. What the hell was that about? Jesus Christ, we just met. He can't flirt with everything that breathes. Defeating a few other nearby robots, she continued to jump from shadow to shadow. I guess I'll look through some rooms. Entering the first one to her right, she saw some scattered papers. She quickly scanned the pages, mouth falling open. These are blueprints. I should confiscate these. Folding them neatly, she unzipped her jacket slightly, pushing them snugly into her bra. Fixing herself up, she tossed her (h/c) locks over her shoulder. I need to find that prototype.

Next room. Shuffling her way to the room next to this one, a loud gasp left her lips as she saw Shadow there. This is probably the prototype. What luck. Suspended in some green liquid, a peaceful expression was on its face. There were multiple other tubes in the room, causing her to marvel at the size of what she had assumed to be a small room. The figure mirrored Shadow exactly, and she pondered for a moment whether it was actually him. Examining the figure, an eerie silence filled the dark room.

Looking around, she found a light switch, the place coming to life with a low buzz. A sharp intake of breath was heard from (y/n) as she saw a very familiar man standing off to the right. "Egg-ass," she growled, letting the hatred pour into her tone. He cackled, strutting up to her.

"I haven't seen this pest for a long time! Not since you came three years ago for that emerald!" Another haughty laugh was heard. She spit in his face, pulling out a knife and letting it rest in the small space between her and Dr. Eggman's face. "Oh you don't need that," he pushed the sharp metal piece away with a slender finger. Wiping his face, he backed away. (Y/n)'s gaze was unwavering, boring holes into Eggman's forehead.

"Let's just see how well you do against the new and improved Shadow the Hedgehog." Grabbing a remote, he pushed a few buttons and some quiet beeps were heard. Her attention was diverted to the prototype as the green liquid emptied out of the capsule, the large plastic tube retreating into the floor. Shadow opened his eyes, the same bright red that (y/n) had come to love. Stepping out, he kneeled faithfully next to Eggman. She gagged at the admiring expression on Shadow's face.

"Master, how may I assist you?" (Y/n) snorted at the polite tone to Shadow's voice.

"Before you get too excited, may I ask what will happen to Sonic?" She voiced, and the large man chuckled evilly.

"He's been taken care of. Locked in the control room, to be specific." She moaned in annoyance. "Now, Shadow." Shadow raised his head to look at his master. "Take this pesky agent down!"

Shit. He's being held captive. Before she had time to react, Shadow had already begun advancing her way. Ugh, he looks so much like my Shadow though. Is this really necessary? She asked herself, raising her fists into a fighting position nonetheless. Speaking of that asshole, I hope he's alright. God, why do I think of this now?

"Bring it on, Little Man."

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